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属天的奥秘 第4788节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4788

4788. And the Midianites sold him into Egypt. That this signifies that those who are in some truth of simple good consulted memory-knowledges is evident from the representation of the Midianites, as being those who are in the truth of simple good (n. 3242, 4756); and from the signification of "Egypt," as being memory-knowledges (n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 2588, 4749); and from the signification of "selling," as being to alienate (n. 4752, 4758); and from the representation of Joseph, as being Divine truth. When this is said to be sold or alienated by those who are in the truth of simple good to memory-knowledges, which are "Egypt," it denotes that they consulted them; for those who are in the truth of simple good suffer themselves to be very much led away by the fallacies of the senses, and thus by memory-knowledges, which are therefrom. [2] It was said above (verse 28) that Joseph was drawn out of the pit by the Midianites, but that he was sold to the Ishmaelites; whence it might seem that he could have been sold in Egypt only by the Ishmaelites. But the reason why he was not sold by the Ishmaelites but by the Midianites, is that the Ishmaelites represent those who are in simple good (n. 4747), and the Midianites those who are in the truth of this good. Joseph, or the Divine truth, could not be sold by those who are in good, but only by those who are in truth; for those who are in good know from good what Divine truth is, but not so those who are in truth. [3] The men of the church are distinguished into two kinds - those who are in good, and those who are in truth. Those who are in good are called celestial, but those who are in truth are called spiritual. Between these two kinds there is a great difference. Those who are in good are in the affection of doing good for the sake of good, and without recompense from others; for it is recompense to them to be permitted to do good, since in so doing they perceive joy; but those who are in truth are in the affection of doing good, not for its own sake, but because it is so commanded, and for the most part they think of recompense; their joy is from this, and also from glorying. [4] From this it is evident that those who do good from good, do it from internal affection; while those who do good from truth, do it from some external affection. Hence the difference is evident, namely, that the former are internal men, and the latter external. Those therefore who are internal men cannot sell, that is, alienate, the Divine truth which is represented by Joseph, because they perceive truth from good; and hence neither the fallacies of the senses, nor consequently memory-knowledges, lead them away. But those who are external men can sell or alienate it, because they do not perceive truth from good, but only know it from doctrine and teachers; and if they consult memory-knowledges, they suffer themselves to be easily led away by fallacies, for they have no inward dictate. It is for this reason that Joseph was not sold by the Ishmaelites, but by the Midianites.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4788

4788. 'The Midianites sold him into Egypt' means that those in whom some truth partnering simple good was present consulted facts. This is clear from the representation of 'the Midianites' as those in whom the truth that partners simple good is present, dealt with in 3242, 4756; from the meaning of 'Egypt' as facts, dealt with in 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 2588, 4749; from the meaning of 'selling' as alienating, dealt with in 4752, 4758; and from the representation of 'Joseph' as Divine Truth. When the latter is said to have been alienated - or 'sold' to facts, meant by 'Egypt' - by those in whom the truth partnering simple good is present, the meaning is that they consulted those facts. For people in whom the truth partnering simple good is present allow themselves to be led away, very much so, by the illusions of the senses, and so by means of facts based on these.

[2] In verse 28 above it was stated that Joseph was drawn out of the pit by the Midianites, who then sold him to the Ishmaelites. From this it would seem that only the Ishmaelites could have sold him in Egypt. Yet he was not sold by the Ishmaelites but by the Midianites, and the reason for this is that the Ishmaelites represent those in whom simple good is present, 4747, whereas the Midianites represent those in whom the truth partnering that good is present. 'Joseph' or Divine Truth could not be sold by those who are governed by good, only by those governed by truth; for those governed by good know from good what Divine truth is, whereas those governed by truth have no such knowledge.

[3] Members of the Church fall into two distinct categories - those governed by good and those governed by truth, the former being called celestial, the latter spiritual. Between the two there is a wide difference. Those governed by good are moved by an affection to do good for its own sake and without thought of reward. To them being allowed to do good is itself the reward, for doing good gives them feelings of joy. Those governed by truth however are not moved by an affection to do good for its own sake; rather, they are moved to do it because they have been commanded to do it. For the most part these people do think about reward; and this, as well as boasting about what they do, is what gives them their feeling of joy.

[4] From this it is evident that people motivated by good to do good act from an internal affection, whereas those motivated by truth to do good act from some external affection. From this the difference between the two groups may be seen, namely that the former are internal people, the latter external ones. Those therefore who are internal people are unable 'to sell' - that is, to alienate - Divine Truth represented by 'Joseph', because good enables them to discern what is true. Neither the illusions of the senses therefore, nor consequently facts, lead them away. But those who are external people are able 'to sell' or alienate it because no good is present enabling them to discern what is true. They do know what is true, but only because doctrine and teachers have given them that knowledge. If they consult facts they easily let themselves be led away by illusions, for they have no inner gift to speak to them. This now explains why Joseph was not sold by the Ishmaelites but by the Midianites.

Latin(1748-1756) 4788

4788. `Midianitae vendiderunt eum ad Aegyptum': quod significet illos qui in aliquo vero simplicis boni, quod consulere scientifica, constat ex repraesentatione `Midianitarum' quod si qui in vero simplicis boni, de qua n. 3242, 4756; ex significatio `Aegypti' quod sint scientifica, de qua n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 2588, 4749; ex significatione `vendere' quod sit abalienare, de qua n. 4752, 4758; et ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit Divini:

Verum; hoc cum dicitur `venditum' seu abalienatum ab illis qui in vero simplicis boni, ad scientifica, quae sunt `Aegyptus,' est quod consuluerint illa; qui enim in vero simplicis boni sunt, a fallaciis sensuum se plurimum abduci patiuntur, ita per scientifica quae ex illis sunt. [2] Supra in vers. 28 dictum est quod Josephus extractus sit e fovea a Midianitis, sed quod venditus sit ad Jishmaelitas; inde videret quod non ab aliis vendi potuisset in Aegypto quam a Jishmaelitis; quod non [a] Jishmaelitis sed a Midianitis, est quia per `Jishmaelitas' repraesentantur qui in simplici bono, n. 4747, et {1} per `Midianitas' qui in vero illius boni; `Josephus' seu Divinum Verum non potuit vendi ab illis qui in bono sunt, sed ab illis qui in vero; qui enim bono sunt, norunt ex bono quid Divinum verum, non ita qui in vero homines Ecclesiae distincti sunt in duo genera, nempe in illos in bono et in illos qui in vero; illi qui in bono sunt, vocantur caelestes qui autem in vero, spirituales, inter (o)illos et hos intercedit multa differentia; qui in bono sunt, in affectione faciendi bonum sunt propter bonum, et hoc absque remuneratione; illis {2} remuneratio est quod liceat (t)facere bonum, nam inde gaudium percipiunt; qui autem vero sunt, non in affectione faciendi bonum sunt propter bonum sed propter quod ita mandatum, ac utplurimum cogitant de remuneratione, gaudium illis inde est, et quoque ex gloriatione;

[4] inde patet quod qui bonum faciunt ex bono, ex interna affectione faciant, at qui bonum faciunt ex vero, quod ab externa quadam affectione; inde differentia patet quod nempe illi sint interni homines, hi autem externi; qui itaque interni homines sunt, Divinum Verum quod per `Josephum repraesentatur, non `vendere', hoc est, abalienare possunt quia ex bono appercipiunt verum, inde nec fallaciae sensus, proinde nec scientifica illos abducunt; at qui externi homines sunt, illi vendere seu abalienare possunt quia non ex bono appercipiunt verum, sed id modo ex doctrina et (c)ex magistris sciunt; illi si consulunt scientifica, facile a fallaciis se abduci patiuntur, nam nullum dictamen intus habent; inde nunc est quod Josephus non a Jishmaelitis sed a Midianitis venditus sit. @1 at$ @2 I has remuneratione illis;$

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