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属天的奥秘 第4793节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4793

4793. As the taste corresponds to the perception and affection of knowing, understanding, and growing wise, and as the life of man is in this affection, therefore no spirit or angel is permitted to flow into man's taste, for this would be to flow into the life which is proper to him. Yet there are roaming spirits of the infernal crew, more pernicious than others, who because they had accustomed themselves in the life of the body to enter into man's affections for the purpose of doing harm, in the other life also retain this desire, and strive in every way to enter into man's taste, and when they have entered into it they possess his interiors, that is, the life of his thoughts and affections, for as before said they correspond, and things which correspond act as a one. Very many at this day are possessed by these spirits; for there are at this day interior obsessions, but not as formerly exterior ones. [2] Interior obsessions are effected by such spirits, and their quality may be seen if attention is paid to the thoughts and affections, especially to the interior intentions, which men fear to manifest, and which are so insane in some that unless they were restrained by external bonds, such as honor, gain, reputation, the fear of death and of the law, they would more than the obsessed rush into murder and robbery. Who and of what quality those spirits are who obsess the interiors of such men may be seen above (n. 1983). [3] In order that I might know how this is, they were permitted to attempt to enter into my taste, which they endeavored to the utmost of their power to do; and I was then told that if they penetrated quite into the taste they would possess the interiors also, for the reason that the taste depends on these interiors by correspondence. But this was permitted only to the end that I might know how the case is with the correspondence of the taste; for they were instantly driven away from there. [4] These pernicious spirits try especially to loose all internal bonds, which are the affections of what is good and true, and of what is just and fair, fear of the Divine law, and a sense of shame in doing harm to society and to one's country; and when these internal bonds are loosed the man is obsessed by such spirits. When they are not able to get into the interiors by persistent endeavor, they try to do so by magical arts, of which there are many in the other life wholly unknown in the world; and by means of them they pervert the memory-knowledges in the man, and apply those only which favor their foul desires. Such obsessions cannot be avoided unless the man is in the affection of good, and hence in faith in the Lord. [5] It was also shown how they were driven away. When they thought that they were penetrating toward the interiors of the head and brain, they were conveyed along by excrementitious passages, and thence toward the externals of the skin; and they were then seen to be cast into a ditch full of liquid filth. I was informed that such spirits correspond to the dirty little pits in the outermost skin, where scall arises, thus that they correspond to scall.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4793

4793. Because taste corresponds to a perception of and affection for knowing, understanding, and becoming wise, and because a person's life is contained within that affection, no spirit or angel is therefore permitted to enter a person's taste, for if the spirit or angel did so he would be entering the life present inherently in that person. Yet wandering about there are spirits belonging to the hellish crew who are more lethal than any others. Because during their lifetime these spirits became addicted to entering a person's affections so as to cause harm, they also retain that desire in the next life. They endeavour in every way to enter a person's taste, and once they have done so they take control of him interiorly, that is to say, of the life belonging to his thoughts and affections; for as has been stated, these correspond, and things which correspond act as one. Very many people are under their control at the present day, for at the present day interior obsession takes place, but not exterior obsession as in former times.

[2] Interior obsession is the work of this kind of spirit. The nature of it may be seen if people pay attention to their thoughts and affections, above all to their inward intentions which they fear to reveal and which with some are so insane that if they were not kept in check by external restraints - which are position, material gain, reputation, fear for their life and of the law- they would plunge more than the obsessed themselves into murder and pillage. Who these spirits are, and what they are like, who obsess such persons interiorly, see 1983.

[3] To enable me to know all about it, those spirits were allowed to try and enter my own taste, which they strove to do with utmost endeavour. At that time I was told that if they did indeed penetrate my taste they would also take control of me interiorly, because taste is dependent through correspondence on what exists interiorly. But they were allowed to do it solely to enable me to know all about the correspondence of taste; for they were driven away from there in an instant.

[4] Those lethal spirits attempt above all to dissolve all internal restraints, which are the affections for what is good and true, right and fair; fear of God's law; and a sense of shame at doing harm to society and one's country. Once those internal restraints have been dissolved a person is obsessed by spirits of this kind. But if they cannot thus gain entrance to a person interiorly by their persistent effort to do so, they then attempt to enter by the use of magical devices which are many in the next life, totally unknown in the world. By these devices they debase the facts known by the one they possess and use only those which give support to their foul desires. Obsession like this is inevitable unless a person has an affection for good and consequently has faith in the Lord.

[5] I was also shown how those spirits were driven away, namely as follows: When they thought they would penetrate the interior parts of the head and brain, they were removed through the channels there along which waste matter is drained away to the external parts of the skin. Then they seemed to be ejected into a trench full of liquid filth. I was told that such spirits correspond to tiny holes full of filth on the surface of the skin where scabies occurs, so that they correspond to scabies.

Latin(1748-1756) 4793

4793. Quia gustus correspondet perceptioni et affectioni sciendi, intelligendi et sapiendi, et in illa affectione est vita hominis, idcirco non permittitur alicui spiritui et angelo influere in gustum hominis, nam hoc foret in vitam quae ei propria est. Sunt usque spiritus vagabundi ex infernali turba prae aliis perniciosi, qui quia in vita corporis imbuerunt intrare in affectiones homini nocendi causa, etiam in altera vita cupiditatem illam retinent, et omni modo student intrare in gustum apud hominem, in quem cum intrarunt, possident interiora ejus, nempe vitam ejus cogitationum et affectionum, nam, ut dictum correspondent et quae correspondent, unum agunt; ab illis perplures hodie possidentur; sunt enim hodie obsessiones interiores, non autem ut olim exteriores; [2] obsessiones interiores a talibus fiunt; et quales sunt, constare potest si attendatur ad cogitationes et affectiones, praecipue ad intentiones interiores quas manifestare timent {1}, quae in tantum apud quosdam insaniunt ut nisi coercerentur vinculis externis, quae sunt honor, lucrum, fama, timor vitae et legis, ruerent plus quam obsessi in neces et rapinas; quinam et quales illi spiritus sunt qui obsident interiora hominum talium, videatur n. 5983. [3] Ut scirem quomodo hoc se haberet, permissum fuit illis ut conarentur intrare in gustum apud me, quod etiam summo studio connitebantur, et tunc dictum mihi, si usque in gustum penetrarent quod etiam interiora possiderent, ex causa quia gustus ab interioribus illis per correspondentiam dependet; sed hoc permissum fuit solum ob finem ut scirem quomodo cum correspondentia gustus se haberet;

actutum enim inde abacti sunt. [4] Perniciosi illi spiritus id imprimis tentant ut solvant omnia vincula interna quae sunt affectiones boni et veri, justi et aequi, timor legis Divinae, {2} pudor nocendi societati et patriae; quae vincula interna cum soluta sunt, tunc homo a talibus obsidetur: cum non possunt (o)sic inferre se in interiora per obstinationem, tentant per artes magicas quae plures sunt in altera vita, in mundo prorsus ignotae; per has scientifica apud hominem pervertunt, et modo applicant illa quae foedis cupiditatibus favent; obsidiones tales non possunt evitari nisi homo in affectione boni est, et inde in fide in Dominum. [5] Ostensum quoque quomodo abigerentur, nempe cum versus interiora capitis et cerebri se penetrare putabant, deferebantur per vias excrementitias ibi, et inde versus cutis externa; et visi sunt quod dein conjicerentur {3} in scrobem sordibus solutis scatentem;

informatus sum quod tales spiritus correspondeant cavernulis sordidis in extima cute ubi scabies, ita scabiei. @1 as T; timet A, timeat I$ @2 i et$ @3 i quasi$

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