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属天的奥秘 第5139节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5139

5139. Verses 16-19. And the prince of the bakers saw that he had interpreted good, and he said unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and behold three baskets with holes in them upon my head; and in the uppermost basket there was of all food for Pharaoh, the work of the baker; and the birds did eat them out of the basket from upon my head. And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation thereof: The three baskets three days are these. In yet three days shall Pharaoh lift off thy head from upon thee, and shall hang thee upon wood; and the birds shall eat thy flesh from upon thee. "And the prince of the bakers saw," signifies the perception of the sensuous that is subject to the will part; "that he had interpreted good," signifies what would happen; "and he said unto Joseph," signifies the perception of the celestial in the natural; "I also was in my dream," signifies prediction; "and behold three baskets," signifies the successives of things of the will; "with holes in them upon my head," signifies without termination anywhere in the middle; "and in the uppermost basket," signifies the inmost of the will part; "there was of all food for Pharaoh," signifies full of celestial good for the nourishment of the natural; "the work of the baker," signifies according to every use of the sensuous; "and the birds did eat them out of the basket from upon my head," signifies that falsity from evil consumed it; "and Joseph answered and said," signifies revelation from perception from the celestial in the natural; "This is the interpretation thereof," signifies what it had in it; "the three baskets," signifies the successives of the things of the will; "three days are these," signifies even to the last; "in yet three days," signifies that which is in the last; "shall Pharaoh lift off thy head from upon thee," signifies what is concluded from what is foreseen; "and shall hang thee upon wood," signifies rejection and damnation; "and the birds shall eat thy flesh from upon thee," signifies that the falsity from evil will consume what is of these sensuous things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5139

5139. Verses 16-19 And the chief of the bakers saw that he had interpreted what was good, and he said to Joseph, I also was in my dream, and behold, three baskets with holes in them were on my head. And in the highest basket there was some of every kind of food for Pharaoh, the work of the baker, and the birds were eating them out of the basket, from upon my head. And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation of it: The three baskets are three days. In yet three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from upon you, and will hang you on wood; and the birds will eat your flesh from upon you.

'And the chief of the bakers saw' means the discernment of the sensory power subject to the will part of the mind. 'That he had interpreted what was good' means what was going to take place. 'And he said to Joseph' means the perception of the celestial within the natural. 'I also was in my dream' means a foretelling. 'And behold, three baskets' means consecutive degrees forming the will. 'With holes in them were on my head' means without a termination anywhere at all in the middle. 'And in the highest basket' means the inmost degree of the will. 'There was some of every kind of food for Pharaoh' means full of celestial good for nourishing the natural. 'The work of the baker' means according to every useful purpose served by that power of the senses. 'And the birds of the air were eating them out of the basket, from upon my head' means that falsity originating in evil would consume it. 'And Joseph answered and said' means revelation resulting from the perception received by the celestial within the natural. 'This is the interpretation of it' means what it held within it. 'The three baskets' means the consecutive degrees of the will. 'Are three days' means even to the final one. 'In yet three days' means that within the final one. 'Pharaoh will lift up your head from upon you' means a decision based on foresight. 'And will hang you on wood' means a casting aside and condemnation. 'And the birds will eat your flesh from upon you' means that falsity originating in evil will consume every one of those sensory impressions.

Latin(1748-1756) 5139

5139. Vers. 16-19. Et vidit princeps pistorum, quod bonum interpretatus, et dixit ad Josephum, Etiam ego in somnio meo, et ecce tria canistra perforata super capite meo. Et in canistro supremo ab omni cibo Pharaonis, opere pistoris, et avis edens ea e canistro desuper capite meo. Et respondit Joseph, et dixit, Haec interpretatio ejus, tria canistra tres dies illa. In adhuc tribus diebus, extollet Pharaoh caput tuum e super te, et suspendet temet super ligno, et edet avis carnem tuam e super te. `Et vidit princeps pistorum' significat apperceptionem sensualis parti voluntariae subjecti: `quod bonum interpretatus' significat quid contingeret: `et dixit ad Josephum' significat perceptionem caelestis in naturali: `Etiam ego in somnio meo' significat praedictionem: `et ecce tria canistra' significat voluntariorum successiva: `perforata super capite meo' significat absque terminatione alicubi in medio: `et in canistro supremo' significat voluntarii intimum: `ab omni cibo Pharaonis' significat plenum bono caelesti pro nutriendo naturali: `opere pistoris' significat secundum omnem usum sensualis: `et avis edens ea e canistro desuper capite meo' significat falsum ex malo quod consumeret illud: `et respondit Joseph, et dixit' significat revelationem a perceptione a caelesti in naturali: `Haec interpretatio ejus' significat quid in se haberet: `tria canistra' significat voluntariorum successiva:

`tres dies illa' significat usque ad ultimum: `in adhuc tribus diebus' significat quod in ultimo: `extollet Pharaoh caput tuum e super te' significat conclusum ex praeviso: `et suspendet te super ligno' significat rejectionem et damnationem: `et edet avis carnem tuam e super te' significat quod falsum mali consumet illa quae sunt istorum sensualium.

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