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属天的奥秘 第5451节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5451

5451. Send one of you, and let him get your brother. That this signifies if only there is some conjunction with this good, is evident from the signification of "your brother," namely, the youngest, as being conjunction with spiritual good (as just above, n. 5450); and from the signification of "sending one and getting him," as being if only there is some conjunction; for something of doubt is expressed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5451

5451. 'Send one of you and let him fetch your brother' means provided that some kind of joining to that good exists. This is clear from the meaning of 'your brother' - the youngest one - as a joining to spiritual good, as immediately above in 5450; and from the meaning of 'send one and let him fetch him' as provided that some kind of joining to this exists. For a matter of doubt is being expressed.

Latin(1748-1756) 5451

5451. `Mittite {1}e vobis unum, et accipiat fratrem vestrum': quod significet si modo conjunctio sit aliqua cum bono illo, constat a significatione `fratris vestri' nempe `minimi', quod sit conjunctio cum bono spirituali, ut mox supra n. 5450; et ex significatione `mittere unum et accipiat illum' quod sit si modo sit aliqua, nempe conjunctio; est enim dubitativum, quod exponitur. @1 A I here omit e$

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