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属天的奥秘 第5467节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5467

5467. Verses 21-24. And they said a man to his brother, We are surely guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the distress of his soul, when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this distress come unto us. And Reuben answered them, saying, Spoke I not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the child; and ye would not hearken? And moreover behold his blood is searched for. And they knew not that Joseph heard them; for there was an interpreter between them. And he turned about from upon them and wept; and he returned to them, and spoke unto them, and took Simeon from them, and bound him before their eyes. "And they said a man to his brother," signifies perception concerning the cause; "We are surely guilty concerning our brother," signifies that they are to blame because they have alienated the internal by non-reception of good; "in that we saw the distress of his soul," signifies the state of the internal in regard to good when it was alienated; "when he besought us, and we would not hear," signifies its continual entreaty without reception; "and Reuben answered them, saying," signifies perception still from faith in doctrine and in the understanding; "Spoke I not unto you, saying," signifies the degree of perception thence; "Do not sin against the child," signifies that they should not be disjoined; "and ye would not hearken," signifies non-reception; "and moreover behold his blood is searched for," signifies the stings of conscience thence; "and they knew not that Joseph heard them," signifies that from the natural light in which those truths are, it is not believed that all things appear from spiritual light; "for there was an interpreter between them," signifies that then spiritual things are apprehended quite differently; "and he turned about from upon them," signifies somewhat of drawing back; "and wept," signifies mercy; "and he returned to them, and spoke to them," signifies influx; "and took Simeon from them," signifies faith in the will; "and bound him," signifies separation; "before their eyes," signifies to the perception.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5467

5467. Verses 21-24 And they said, a man to his brother, Assuredly we are guilty concerning our brother, whose anguish of soul we saw when he pleaded with us and we did not hear; therefore this anguish has come upon us. And Reuben answered them, saying, Did I not say to you, saying, Do not sin against the boy - and you did not listen? And also, his blood; behold, it is required. And they did not know that Joseph was hearing, because the interpreter was between them. And he turned away from them and wept; and he came back to them and spoke to them; and he took Simeon from them, and bound him before their eyes.

'And they said, a man to his brother' means a perception as to the reason why. 'Assuredly we are guilty concerning our brother' means that they were blameworthy because they had alienated the internal by their non-acceptance of good. 'Whose anguish of soul we saw' means the state of the internal in regard to good, once it was alienated. 'When he pleaded with us and we did not hear' means its constant entreaty without ever gaining acceptance. 'And Reuben answered them, saying' means that a perception nevertheless existed, springing from faith in doctrine and in the understanding. 'Did I not say to you, saying' means the degree of perception from there. 'Do not sin against the boy' means lest they become separated [the external from the internal]. 'And you did not listen' means non-acceptance. 'And also, his blood; behold, it is required' means the subsequent remorse of conscience. 'And they did not know that Joseph was hearing' means that the natural light in which those truths dwell does not engender any belief that spiritual light renders all things visible. 'Because the interpreter was between them' means that at this time spiritual things are understood in a completely different manner. 'And he turned away from them' means somewhat of a withdrawal. 'And wept' means mercy. 'And he came back to them and spoke to them' means an influx. 'And he took Simeon from them' means faith in the will. 'And bound him' means a separation. 'Before their eyes' means a discernment.

Latin(1748-1756) 5467

5467. Vers. 21-24. Et dixerunt vir ad fratrem suum, Profecto rei sumus nos super fratrem nostrum, cujus vidimus angustiam animae in deprecando illo ad nos, et non audivimus, propterea venit ad nos angustia haec. Et respondit Reuben illis, dicendo, Nonne dixi ad vos dicendo, Ne peccetis in natum? et non auscultavistis, et etiam sanguis ejus ecce inquiritur. Et illi non sciverunt quod audiens Joseph, quia interpres inter illos. Et conversus a super illis, et flevit, et rediit ad illos, et locutus ad illos; et accepit ex illis Shimeonem, et vincivit illum ad oculos illorum. `Et dixerunt vir ad fratrem suum' significat perceptionem de causa: `Profecto rei sumus nos super fratrem nostrum' significat quod in culpa sint quia abalienaverunt internum per non receptionem boni: `cujus vidimus angustiam animae' significat statum interni in bono cum abalienatum : `in deprecando illo ad nos, et non audivimus' significat ejus continuam sollicitationem absque receptione: {1} `et respondit Reuben illis dicendo' significat usque perceptionem ex fide doctrina et intellectu: `Nonne dixi ad vos dicendo' significat perceptionis gradum inde: `Ne peccetis in natum' significat ne sejungantur: et non auscultavistis' significat non receptionem: `et etiam sanguis ejus ecce inquiritur' significat conscientiae morsus inde: `et illi non sciverunt quod audiens Joseph' significat quod e naturali luce, in qua vera illa, non credatur quod e spirituali luce omnia appareant: quia interpres inter illos' significat quod tunc spiritualia prorsus aliter capiantur: `et conversus a super illis' significat aliquid retractionis: `et flevit' significat misericordiam: `et rediit ad illos, et locutus ad illos' significat influxum: `et accepit ex illis Shimeonem' significat fidem voluntate: `et vincivit illum' significat separationem: `ad oculos illorum' significat ad apperceptionem. @1 S omits propterea venit ad nos angustia haec$

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