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属天的奥秘 第5466节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5466

5466. And they did so. That this signifies the end of this state, is evident from the signification of "doing," or "done," as being the end of a prior state, and as involving the beginning of a following one (see n. 4979, 4987, 4999, 5074). It is needless to explain these matters more at length, for the same reason that was given above (n. 5454). Be it known, however, that they contain within them unutterable arcana, which shine forth from the several words in the heavens, though not the least of them appears before man. The holiness sometimes perceived with a man when he is reading the Word has many such arcana within it; for in the holiness by which man is affected lie hidden innumerable things that are not manifest to him.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5466

5466. 'And they did so' means the end of this state. This is clear from the meaning of 'doing', or something that has been done, as the end of one state that comes first and by implication the beginning of another that follows, dealt with in 4979, 4987, 4999, 5074. A lengthier explanation of these matters is avoided here for the same reason as mentioned above in 5454. It should nevertheless be recognized that they contain arcana beyond description, which in heaven shine from every individual word, though not a trace of them is visible to man. The holiness which one can sometimes discern with a person reading the Word holds a large number of such arcana within it, for the holiness which fills a person possesses countless facets concealed within it which he does not see.

Latin(1748-1756) 5466

5466. `Et fecerunt ita': quod significet finem hujus status, constat ex significatione `facere' seu factum quod sit finis prioris status, et quod involvat {1}principium sequentis, de qua n. 4979, 4987, 4999, 5074. Haec fusius explicare supersedetur, etiam ex causa de qua supra n. 5454; sciendum usque quod ineffabilia arcana in se contineant quae (c)ex singulis verbis effulgent in caelis, tametsi ne hilum eorum coram homine appareat; sanctum quod quandoque appercipitur apud hominem, cum legit Verbum, talia arcana in se plura habet, nam in sancto quo afficitur homo, latent abscondita innumerabilia quae coram ipso non patent. @1 novum$

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