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属天的奥秘 第5521节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5521

5521. And take for the famine of your houses. That this signifies that in the meantime they may provide for themselves in that desolation, is evident from what was said above (n. 5462), where similar words occur. That it signifies in that desolation, is because desolation is signified by "famine."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5521

5521. 'And take [food for] the famine of your houses' means that in the meantime they should provide for their own needs in that desolation. This is clear from what has been stated above in 5462, where similar words occur. In that desolation is meant because 'a famine' means a desolation.

Latin(1748-1756) 5521

5521. `Et famem domorum vestrarum accipite': quod significet ut prospiciant sibi interea in desolatione illa, constat ex illis quae supra n. 5462 dicta sunt, ubi similia; quod in desolatione illa, est quia per `famem' significatur desolatio {1}. @1 in. 5360, 5376$

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