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属天的奥秘 第5462节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5462

5462. And go ye, bring produce for the famine of your houses. That this signifies that in the meantime they are free to look out for themselves, is evident from the signification of "go ye," after their being bound and one of them being held in their stead, as being that in the meantime they were free; from the signification of "produce," as being truth (see n. 5276, 5280, 5292); from the signification of "famine," as being a lack of knowledges and desolation (n. 5360, 5376); and from the signification of "your houses," as being the abodes where were the truths of each in particular, thus the natural mind. (That a "house" denotes the natural mind may be seen above, n. 4973, 5023; and that the truths here represented by the sons of Jacob are of the external church, thus in the natural, n. 5401, 5415, 5428.) From these significations taken together it is evident that by "bringing produce for the famine of your houses" is signified that in the desolation of truth in which they are, they may look out for themselves and their own.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5462

5462. 'And you, go, take corn for the famine of your houses' means that in the meantime they will be left in freedom to consider their own interests. This is clear from the meaning of 'you, go', after they had been held in bonds and one was then kept back in place of them, as their being left in freedom in the meantime; from the meaning of 'corn' as truth, dealt with in 5276, 5280, 5292; from the meaning of 'the famine' as an absence of cognitions and a desolation, dealt with in 5360, 5376; and from the meaning of 'your houses' as the dwelling-places where specifically truths of every kind reside, namely the natural mind. For 'a house' is the natural mind, see 4973, 5023, and the truths represented by 'the sons of Jacob' here, are those known to the external Church, and so are truths in the natural, 5401, 5415, 5428. From all these meanings taken together one may see that 'take corn for the famine of your houses' means so as to consider their own interests amid the desolation of truth in which they find themselves.

Latin(1748-1756) 5462

5462. `(x)Et vos ite, adducite annonam famis domuum vestrarum': quod significet quod illis interea liberum ut sibi consulant, constat (c)ex significatione `vos ite', postquam vincti fuerunt, et `loco illorum unus detentus' quod sit quod illis interea liberum; ex significatione annonae' quod sit verum, de qua n. 5276, 5280, 5292; ex significatione `famis' quod sit defectus cognitionum et desolatio, de qua n. 5360, 5376; et ex significatione `domuum vestrarum' quod sint habitationes ubi in specie cujus vis vera, ita mens naturalis; quod `domus' sit mens naturalis, videatur n. 4973, 5023, et quod vera quae per `filios Jacobi' hic repraesentantur, sint Ecclesiae externae, ita in naturali, n. 5401, 5415, 5428; ex his simul sumptis constare potest quod per `adducite annonam famis domuum vestrarum' significetur ut in desolatione veri in qua sunt, sibi et suis consulant.

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