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属天的奥秘 第555节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]555. It says that where the church existed, appetites (which are the daughters) started to control people. It also says that people forged ties between the teachings of faith and their cravings, hardening themselves in evil and falsity; this is the fact that the sons of God took wives for themselves from among the daughters of humankind (verses 1, 2).

Potts(1905-1910) 555

555. That with man, where the church was, cupidities-which are the "daughters"-began to reign. Also that they conjoined the doctrinal things of faith with their cupidities, and thus confirmed themselves in evils and falsities, which is signified by "the sons of God taking to themselves wives of the daughters of man" (verses 1, 2).

Elliott(1983-1999) 555

555. With the people where the Church existed evil desires, meant by 'daughters', began to reign. They also joined doctrinal matters concerning faith to their desires and in so doing they confirmed themselves in evils and falsities, meant by the statement about 'the sons of God taking to themselves wives from the daughters of man', verses 1, 2.

Latin(1748-1756) 555

555. Quod apud hominem ubi Ecclesia, regnare coeperint cupiditates, quae sunt 'filiae.' Tum quod cupiditatibus suis conjunxerint doctrinalia fidei, ac ita se confirmaverint in malis et falsis, quae sunt quod 'filii Dei acceperint sibi uxores ex filiabus hominis,' vers. 1, 2.

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