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属天的奥秘 第5594节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5594

5594. Verses 6-10. And Israel said, Wherefore dealt ye ill with me, to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother? And they said, Asking the man asked unto us, and unto our birth, saying is your father yet alive? Have ye a brother? And we told him according to the mouth of these words. Knowing could we know that he would say, Bring your brother down? And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send the boy with me, and we will arise and go; and we will live, and not die, both we and thou, and also our little ones. I will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou require him; if I bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee, and I shall sin to thee all the days; for except we had lingered, surely we had now returned these two times. "And Israel said," signifies perception from spiritual good; "Wherefore dealt ye ill with me to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother?" signifies that they separated from them the truth of good, to conjoin it with the spiritual from the internal; "and they said, Asking the man asked unto us," signifies that it clearly perceived the things in the natural; "and unto our birth," signifies concerning the truths of faith there; "saying, is your father yet alive?" signifies and concerning the spiritual good from which they were; "have ye a brother?" signifies concerning interior truth; "and we told him according to the mouth of these words," signifies that he perceived them conformably; "knowing could we know that he would say, Bring your brother down?" signifies that we did not believe that he wished the truth of good to be conjoined with him; "and Judah said unto Israel his father," signifies perception from the good of the church concerning those things; "Send the boy with me," signifies that he should be adjoined to him; "and we will arise and go; and we will live, and not die," signifies spiritual life according to degrees; "both we," signifies the external of the church; "and thou," signifies its internal; "and also our little ones," signifies the things which are still more interior; "I will be surety for him," signifies that in the meantime it will be adjoined to itself; "of my hand shalt thou require him," signifies that it shall not be torn away insofar as lies in its power; "if I bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee," signifies unless he is quite restored to the church; "and I shall sin to thee all the days," signifies that the good of the church will no longer be; "for except we had lingered," signifies tarrying in a state of doubt; "surely we had now returned these two times," signifies that there would have been spiritual life both exterior and interior.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5594

5594. Verses 6-10 And Israel said, Why did you treat me so badly as to tell the man that you had still [another] brother? And they said, The man questioned us closely about ourselves and our generation, saying, Is your father still alive? Have you a brother? And we told him according to the tenora of these words. Could we possibly have known that he would say, Cause your brother to come down? And Judah said to Israel his father, Send the boy with me, and we will rise up and go, and we will live and not die - even we, even you, even our young children. I myself will be surety for him; from my hand you will require him. If I do not bring him to you and set him before you, then I shall be sinning against you every day. For if perhaps we had not delayed we would by now have returned these two times.b

'And Israel said' means a perception received from spiritual good. 'Why did you treat me so badly as to tell the man that you had still [another] brother?' means that they separated the truth of good from spiritual good, so as to join it to the spiritual from the internal. 'And they said, The man questioned us closely about ourselves' means the clear perception this had regarding what existed within the natural. 'And our generation' means regarding the truths of faith there. 'Saying, Is your father still alive?' means and regarding spiritual good from which those truths sprang. 'Have you a brother?' means regarding interior truth. 'And we told him according to the tenor of these words' means its accordant discernment of these matters. 'Could we possibly have known that he would say, Cause your brother to come down?' means that we did not believe that he would want the truth of good to be joined to him. 'And Judah said to Israel his father' means a perception received from the good of the Church regarding these matters. 'Send the boy with me' means so that he would be attached to him. 'And we will rise up and go, and we will live and not die' means spiritual life entered into by degrees. 'Even we' means the external aspect of the Church. 'Even you' means the internal aspect of it. 'Even our young children' means aspects even more internal. 'And I will be surety for him' means that in the meantime [the truth of good] will be attached to it [the good of the Church]. 'From my hand you will require him' means that [the truth of good] will not be snatched away, insofar as it lies within its power to prevent it. 'If I do not bring him to you and set him before you' means the complete restoration of it to the Church. 'Then I shall be sinning against you every day' means that the good of the Church will not exist any longer. 'For if perhaps we had not delayed' means lingering in a state of indecision. 'We would by now have returned these two times' means that spiritual life, exterior and interior, [would have been restored].


a lit. mouth
b i.e. they would by now have returned home a second time

Latin(1748-1756) 5594

5594. Vers. 6-I0. Et dixit Israel, Quare male fecistis mihi, ad indicandum viro an adhuc vobis frater? Et dixerunt, Interrogando interrogavit vir ad nos, et ad nativitatem nostram, dicendo, An adhuc pater vester vivit? an sit vobis frater? et indicavimus ei juxta os verborum illorum; an sciendo scivimus quod diceret, Descendere facite fratrem vestrum? Et dixit Jehudah ad Israelem patrem suum, Mitte puerum mecum, et surgemus, et ibimus, et vivemus, et non moriemur, etiam nos, etiam tu, etiam infantes nostri. Ego spondebo pro illo, e manu mea quaeres illum, nisi adduxero illum ad te, et statuero illum coram te, et peccabo tibi omnibus diebus. Quia ni forte tardaverimus, quod nunc reversi fuerimus his duabus vicibus. `Et dixit Israel' significat perceptionem ex bono spirituali: `Quare male fecistis mihi, ad indicandum viro, an adhuc {1} frater?' significat quod separarent a se {2}verum boni, ad conjungendum illud spirituali ab interno: `et dixerunt, Interrogando interrogavit vir ad nos' significat quod clare perciperet quae in naturali: `et ad nativitatem nostram' significat de veris fidei ibi: `dicendo, An adhuc pater vester vivit?' significat et de bono spirituali a quo illa: `an sit (x)vobis frater?' significat de interiore vero: `et indicavimus ei juxta os verborum illorum' significat quod apperciperet illa congrue: `an sciendo scivimus quod diceret, Descendere facite fratrem vestrum?' significat quod non credidimus quod vellet ut ipsi conjungeretur verum boni: `et dixit Jehudah ad Israelem patrem suum' significat perceptionem a bono Ecclesiae de illis: `Mitte puerum mecum' significat ut adjungeretur ei: `et surgemus, et ibimus, et vivemus, et non moriemur' significat vitam spiritualem secundum gradus: `etiam nos' significat externum Ecclesiae: `etiam tu' significat internum ejus: `etiam infantes nostri' significat quae adhuc interius: `{3}et' spondebo pro illo' significat quod adjungetur interea sibi: `e manu mea quaeres illum' significat quod non avelletur quantum in {4}sua potentia: `nisi adduxero illum ad te, et statuero illum coram te' significat nisi prorsus restitueretur Ecclesiae: `et peccabo tibi omnibus diebus' significat quod non bonum Ecclesiae erit amplius: `quia ni forte tardaverimus' significat immorationem in statu dubitationis: `quod nunc reversi fuerimus his duabus vicibus' significat quod vita spiritualis exterior et interior. @1 A I o vobis here and 5596; cp. above.$ @2 bonum veri I, also 5596, l. 15; but verum boni 5586 (twice), 5594, l. 22, 5596 (twice), and 5600.$ @3 thus A I here and 5609; cp.above.$ @4 ejus I, d ejus i sua A, see n. 5610.$

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