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属天的奥秘 第5595节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5595

5595. And Israel said. That this signifies perception from spiritual good, is evident from the signification of "saying," as being to perceive (of which above); and from the representation of Israel, as being spiritual good (see n. 3654, 4598); and because Israel is spiritual good, he is also the internal spiritual church (n. 3305, 4286), for this church is a church from spiritual good. Spiritual good is truth that has become good; for truth becomes good when the man lives according to it, for it then passes into the will, and from the will into act, and becomes of the life; and when it becomes of the life it is no longer called truth but good. But the will which transforms truth into good is the new will in the intellectual part; it is this good that is called spiritual good. Spiritual good is distinguished from celestial good in that celestial good is implanted in man's will part itself; but this subject has often been treated of before. [2] That Jacob is not now called "Jacob," as in the previous chapter (Genesis 42:36), but "Israel," is because good is the subject treated of in this chapter, and truth in the preceding; wherefore in that chapter Reuben was the one to speak, by whom is represented the truth of doctrine of the church (see n. 3861, 3866, 4731, 4734, 4761, 5542), while in this chapter it is Judah who speaks, by whom is represented the good of the church (n. 3654, 5583). That good is now treated of is because this time the conjunction between the internal, which is Joseph, and the external, which is the ten sons of Jacob, is effected by means of the intermediate which is Benjamin; and the conjunction of the internal with the external is effected by means of good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5595

5595. 'And Israel said' means a perception received from spiritual good. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' as perceiving, dealt with already; and from the representation of 'Israel' as spiritual good, dealt with in 3654, 4598. And as 'Israel' represents spiritual good, he also represents the internal Church, 3305, 4286; for that Church is a Church by virtue of its spiritual good. Spiritual good is truth made into good; for truth is made into good when a person leads a life in keeping with that truth. When he does this, truth passes into his will and from there into action and becomes part of his life; and when truth becomes part of his life it is no longer called truth but good. But the will which transforms truth into good is the new will formed in the understanding part of his mind; and that good is called spiritual good. Spiritual good differs from celestial good in that celestial good is implanted in the will part of a person's mind. But this matter has been dealt with quite a number of times before.

[2] The reason why Jacob is not called Jacob now, as he is in verse 36 of the previous chapter, but Israel is that good is the subject here, whereas truth was the subject in the previous chapter. In the previous chapter the speaker was therefore Reuben, who represents the truth of doctrine taught by the Church, 3861, 3866, 4731, 4734, 4761, 5542; but in the present chapter the speaker is Judah, by whom the good of the Church is represented, 3654, 5583. Good becomes the subject now because this time the joining together is effected of the internal, which is 'Joseph', and the external, which is 'the ten sons of Jacob', through the intermediary, which is 'Benjamin'. That joining of the internal to the external is effected through good.

Latin(1748-1756) 5595

5595. `Et dixit Israel': quod significet perceptionem ex bono spirituali, constat (c)a significatione `dicere' quod sit percipere, de qua prius; et a repraesentatione `Israelis' quod sit bonum spirituale, de qua n. 3654, 4598, et quia `Israel' est bonum spirituale, est quoque Ecclesia spiritualis interna, n. 3305, 4286, nam Ecclesia illa est Ecclesia ex bono spirituali. Bonum spirituale est verum quod factum bonum; verum enim fit bonum cum vivitur secundum illud, tunc enim transit in voluntatem et a voluntate in actum, et fit vitae, et cum verum fit vitae, non amplius dicitur verum sed bonum; at voluntas quae transformat verum in bonum, est nova voluntas in parte intellectuali; id bonum est quod vocatur bonum spirituale; {1}bonum spirituale distinguitur a bono caelesti in eo quod {2}bonum caeleste implantatum sit {3} in ipsa parte voluntaria hominis; at de hac re saepius prius actum est. [2]Quod nunc Jacob non dicatur Jacob ut in priore capite, vers. 36, sed Israel, est quia {4}hic agitur de bono, at in capite praeced. de vero; quapropter in praecedente capite locutus est Reuben, per quem repraesentatur verum doctrinae Ecclesiae, n. 3861, 3866, 4731, 4734, 4761, 5542, in hoc autem capite loquitur Jehudah, per quem repraesentatur bonum Ecclesiae, n. 3654, 5583; quod de bono nunc agatur, est quia hac vice conjunctio fit interni quod `Josephus', cum externo quod `decem filii Jacobi', per medium quod `Benjamin', et conjunctio interni cum externo fit per bonum. @1 et$ @2 hoc bonum$ @3 i non in parte intellectuali sed$ @4 nunc$

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