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属天的奥秘 第5593节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5593

5593. Except your brother be with you. That this signifies unless there is an intermediate for you, is evident from what was said above in regard to Benjamin, who is here the "brother," that he is an intermediate (n. 5586, 5587).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5593

5593. 'Unless your brother is with you' means unless the intermediary is with you. This is clear from what has been stated above in 5586, 5587, about Benjamin, to whom 'brother' refers here, being the intermediary.

Latin(1748-1756) 5593

5593. `Absque quod frater vester vobiscum': quod significet nisi sit medium vobis, constat ex illis quae {1} supra n. 5586, 5587 de `Benjamine' qui hic est `frater', quod sit medium, dicta sunt. @1 i etiam $

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