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属天的奥秘 第5601节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5601

5601. And we told him according to the mouth of these words. That this signifies that he perceived them conformably, is evident from the signification of "telling," as being to perceive (see n. 3608), for in the spiritual world or in heaven they have no need to tell what they think, there being a communication of all thoughts (n. 5597), and therefore in the spiritual sense "telling" signifies perceiving; and from the signification of "according to these words," as being conformably; for they are the things he desired to perceive.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5601

5601. 'And we told him according to the tenor of his words' means its accordant discernment of these matters. This is clear from the meaning of 'telling' or 'pointing out' as discerning, dealt with in 3608, for in the spiritual world or heaven those there have no need to tell what they are thinking since all thoughts are communicated, 5597, which is why 'telling' in the spiritual sense means discerning; and from the meaning of 'according to the tenor of his words' as in an accordant manner, for they are matters that he wished to discern.

Latin(1748-1756) 5601

5601. `Et indicavimus ei juxta os verborum {1}ejus: quod significet quod apperciperet illa congrue, constat ex significatione `indicare' quod sit appercipere, de qua n. 3608; in spirituali enim mundo seu in caelo, non opus habent ut indicent quid cogitant, est enim communicatio omnium cogitationum, n. 5597, quapropter `indicare' in sensu spirituali significat appercipere; et ex significatione `juxta os verborum {1}ejus quod sit congrue, nam sunt illa quae appercipere voluit. @1 thus A I here; cp. 5594.$

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