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属天的奥秘 第5646节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5646

5646. Verses 18-23. And the men were afraid because they were brought to Joseph's house; and they said, Over the word of the silver that was returned in our bags in the beginning are we brought; to roll down upon us, and to cast himself upon us, and to take us for servants, and our asses. And they came near to the man that was over Joseph's house, and they spoke unto him at the door of the house, and said, In me, my lord, in coming down we came down in the beginning to buy food; and it came to pass when we came to the inn and we opened our bags, and behold everyone's silver in the mouth of his bag, our silver in its weight; and we have brought it back in our hand. And other silver have we brought down in our hand to buy food; we know not who put our silver in our bags. And he said, Peace be to you, fear not; your God, and the God of your father, gave you a hidden gift in your bags; your silver came to me. And he brought Simeon out unto them. "And the men were afraid," signifies a drawing back; "because they were brought to Joseph's house," signifies because the truths that belonged to the natural were to be adjoined and subjected to the internal; "and they said, Over the word of the silver that was returned in our bags in the beginning are we brought," signifies because truth in the exterior natural appears to be given gratuitously, they were therefore to be in subjection; "to roll down upon us and to cast himself upon us," signifies that on this account they were to be reduced under absolute power; "and to take us for servants and our asses," signifies until whatever is in either natural be as nothing; "and they came near to the man that was over Joseph's house," signifies the doctrinals of the church; "and they spoke unto him at the door of the house," signifies taking counsel of them about introduction; "and said, In me, my lord," signifies a testifying; "in coming down we came down in the beginning to buy food," signifies a disposition to procure good for truths; "and it came to pass when we came to the inn and we opened our bags," signifies introspection into the exterior natural; "and behold everyone's silver in the mouth of his bag," signifies that it was clearly seen that truths had been given as it were gratuitously; "our silver in its weight," signifies truths according to each one's state; "and we have brought it back in our hand," signifies that what had been given gratuitously would be in submission as far as possible; "and other silver have we brought down in our hand to buy food," signifies that there is a disposition to procure good by means of truth from another source; "we know not who put our silver in our bags," signifies non-belief, from ignorance of the source of truth in the exterior natural; "and he said, Peace be to you, fear not," signifies that it is well, let them not despair; "your God, and the God of your father," signifies the Lord's Divine Human; "gave you a hidden gift in your bags," signifies that it was from Him without any prudence of theirs; "your silver came to me," signifies that it will seem as truth procured by them; "and he brought Simeon out unto them," signifies that he adjoined will to truths.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5646

5646. Verses 18-23 And the men were afraid because they were brought to Joseph's house; and they said, Over the matter of the silver put back in our pouches at the beginning are we brought to [this place], so that he may come down on us and fall on us,a and take us as slaves, and our asses. And they came near the man who was over Joseph's house, and they spoke to him [at]b the door (ostium) of the house. And they said, On my honour,c my lord, we certainly came down at the beginning to buy food. And it happened, when we came to the lodging-place and opened our pouches, that behold, each man's silver was in the mouth of his pouch, our silver in its full weight; and we are bringing it back in our hand. And we are causing other silver to come down in our hand to buy food; we do not know who put our silver in our pouches. And he said, Peace to you, do not be afraid; your God and the God of your father has given you the concealed gift in your pouches; your silver came to me. And he brought Simeon out to them.

'And the men were afraid' means a drawing back. 'Because they were brought to Joseph's house' means that the truths belonging to the natural were to be linked and made subservient to the internal. 'And they said, Over the matter of the silver put back in our pouches at the beginning are we brought to [this place]' means that because truth in the exterior natural appears to be something freely given, they were being made subservient. 'So that he may come down on us and fall on us' means that for this reason they were subjected to its absolute power and control. 'And take us as slaves, and our asses' means even to the point where whatever exists in either part of the natural is of no worth. 'And they came near the man who was over Joseph's house' means the teachings of the Church. 'And they spoke to him [at] the door of the house' means a consultation of these regarding the introduction. 'And they said, On my honour, my lord' means an attestation. 'We certainly came down at the beginning to buy food' means a mind set on acquiring good for truths. 'And it happened, when we came to the lodging-place and opened our pouches' means an inspection of the exterior natural. 'That behold, each man's silver was in the mouth of his pouch' means that it was observed that the truths had been so to speak freely given. 'Our silver in its full weight' means truths commensurate with each one's state. 'And we are bringing it back in our hand' means the submission as far as possible of what had been freely given. 'And we are causing other silver to come down in our hand to buy food' means that the mind is set on acquiring good through truth from some other source. 'We do not know who put our silver in our pouches' means an absence of faith owing to ignorance of where the truth present in the exterior natural came from. 'And he said, Peace to you, do not be afraid' means that all is well, they should not despair. 'Your God and the God of your father' means the Lord's Divine Human. 'Has given you the concealed gift in your pouches' means that it came from Him without the exercise of any prudence by them. 'Your silver came to me' means that it will seem as though truth has been acquired by them. 'And he brought Simeon out to them' means that he linked to those truths the will to practise them.


a lit. roll down onto us and throw himself onto us
b See 5653.
c The Latin In me here represents the Hebrew Bi, which is usually regarded as an expression of entreaty rather than validity, cp Chapter 44:18.

Latin(1748-1756) 5646

5646. Vers. 18-23. Et timuerunt viri quod adducti domum Josephi, et dixerunt, Super verbum argenti reducti in manticis nostris in initio nos adducimur, ad devolvendum super nos, et ad conjiciendum se super nos, et ad sumendum nos ad servos, et asinos nostros. Et accesserunt ad virum qui super domo Josephi, et locuti ad illum ostio domus. Et dixerunt, In me domine mi, descendendo descendimus in initio ad emendum cibum. Et factum, cum veniremus ad diversorium, et aperuimus manticas nostras, et ecce argentum cujusvis in ore manticae suae, argentum nostrum in pondere suo, et reducimus illud manu nostra. Et argentum alterum descendere facimus in manu nostra ad emendum cibum, non scimus quis posuit argentum nostrum in manticis nostris. Et dixit, Pax vobis, ne timeatis, Deus vester, et Deus patris vestri dedit vobis absconditum donum in manticis vestris, argentum vestrum venit ad me; et eduxit ad illos Shimeonem. `Et timuerunt viri' significat retractionem: `quod adducti domum Josephi' significat quod vera quae naturalis adjungerentur et subjicerentur interno: `et dixerunt, Super verbum argenti reducti in manticis nostris (x)in initio nos adducimur' significat quia verum in exteriore naturali apparet gratis donatum, quod ideo subjicerentur: `ad devolvendum super nos, et ad conjiciendum se super nos' significat quod propter id sub potestatem absolutam redigerentur: `et ad sumendum nos {1}in servos, et asinos nostros' significat usque ut quicquid in utroque naturali nihili sit: `et accesserunt ad virum qui super domo Josephi' significat doctrinalia Ecclesiae: `et locuti ad illum ostio domus' significat consultationem ex illis de introductione: `et dixerunt, In me domine mi' significat testificationem: `descendendo descendimus (x)in initio ad emendum cibum' significat animum comparandi bonum veris: `et factum, cum veniremus ad diversorium, et aperuimus manticas nostras' significat introspectionem in naturale exterius: `et ecce argentum cujusvis in ore manticae suae' significat quod perspectum, quod vera quasi gratis donata: `argentum nostrum in pondere suo' significat vera secundum statum cujusvis: `et reducimus illud in manu nostra' significat quod submittantur quae gratis donata quantum possibile: `et argentum alterum descendere facimus in manu nostra ad emendum cibum' significat quod animus sit per verum aliunde comparare bonum: `non scimus quis posuit argentum nostrum in manticis nostris' significat non fidem ex ignorantia a quo verum in naturali exteriore: `et dixit, Pax vobis; ne timeatis' significat quod bene sit, ne desperent: `Deus vester et Deus patris vestri' significat Divinum Humanum Domini: `dedit vobis absconditum donum in manticis vestris' significat quod ab Ipso absque ulla eorum prudentia: `argentum vestrum venit ad me' significat quod videbitur sicut verum comparatum ab illis: `et eduxit ad illos Shimeonem' significat quod adjunxerit veris velle. @1 thus A I here and 5651; cp. above.$

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