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属天的奥秘 第5645节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5645

5645. And the man brought the men to Joseph's house. That this signifies the first introduction into the good which is from the celestial of the spiritual, is evident from the signification of "bringing," as being introduction (as above, n. 5641); from the signification of "Jacob's sons," as being the truths of the church in the natural (see n. 5403, 5419, 5427, 5428, 5512); from the signification of a "house," as being good (n. 3652, 3720, 4982), and hence also the church (n. 3720), for the church is the church from good; and from the representation of Joseph, as being the celestial of the spiritual (of which often above). From this it is plain that by "the man's bringing the men to Joseph's house" is signified that the truths in the natural were to be introduced into the good which is from the celestial of the spiritual. That the first introduction is what is signified, is because they now only ate with Joseph, and did not know him. By this is signified a general conjunction, which is the first introduction; for truth from the Divine then flows in generally, and is not discerned. But when the truth which flows in is observed, there is then a second conjunction, which is signified by Joseph's manifesting himself to his brethren, as related in a subsequent chapter (Gen. 45).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5645

5645. 'And the man brought the men to Joseph's house' means the first introduction into good coming from the celestial of the spiritual. This is clear from the meaning of 'bringing to' as an introduction, as above in 5641; from the meaning of 'the sons of Jacob' as truths known to the Church that are present within the natural, dealt with in 5403, 5419, 5427, 5428, 5512; from the meaning of 'the house' as good, dealt with in 3652, 3720, 4982, on account of which 'the house' is also the Church, 3720, for the Church is the Church by virtue of good; and from the representation of 'Joseph' as the celestial of the spiritual, often dealt with already. From all this it is evident that 'the man brought the men to Joseph's house' means that truths in the natural were introduced into good coming from the celestial of the spiritual. The reason why a first introduction is meant is that at this point they merely ate with Joseph but did not recognize who he was. By this is meant a general joining together, which is a first introduction; for at this point there is a general inflow of truth from the Divine, but it is not recognized. When however a discernment of that inflowing truth does exist a second joining together is effected, and this is meant by Joseph revealing who he was to his brothers, dealt with further on in Chapter 45.

Latin(1748-1756) 5645

5645. `Et adduxit vir viros domum Josephi': quod significet introductionem primam in bonum quod a caelesti spiritualis, constat ex significatione `adducere' quod sit introductio, ut supra n. (x)5641; ex significatione `filiorum Jacobi' quod sint vera Ecclesiae in naturali, de qua n. 5403, 5419, 5427, 5428, 5512; ex significatione `domus' quod sit bonum, de qua n. 3652, 3720, 4982, inde etiam `domus' est Ecclesia, n. 3720, nam Ecclesia est Ecclesia (e)a bono; (m)et (c)ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit caeleste spiritualis, de qua saepe prius ;(n) ex quibus patet quod per `adduxit vir viros domum Josephi' significetur quod {1}introducerentur vera in naturali in bonum quod a caelesti spiritualis. Quod introductio prima sit quae significatur, est quia nunc solum comedebant apud Josephum et non agnoverunt illum; per id conjunctio communis significatur, quae conjunctio est introductio prima, influit enim tunc communiter verum a Divino nec {2}cognoscitur; at cum appercipitur verum quod influit, tunc est conjunctio altera, quae conjunctio significatur per `quod Josephus se manifestaret fratribus', de {3}qua in cap. seq. xlv. @1 adducerentur$ @2 agnoscitur$ @3 quo$

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