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属天的奥秘 第5683节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5683

5683. Verses 29-34. And he lifted up his eyes, and saw Benjamin his brother, his mother's son, and said, Is this your youngest brother, of whom ye spoke unto me? And he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son. And Joseph made haste, for his compassions were moved toward his brother; and he sought to weep, and he came to the bed-chamber, and wept there. And he washed his faces, and went out, and he restrained himself and said, Set on bread. And they set on for him alone, and for them alone, and for the Egyptians, who did eat with him, alone; because the Egyptians cannot eat bread with the Hebrews; because this is an abomination to the Egyptians. And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth; and the men were amazed, everyone at his companion. And he brought out portions from his faces unto them; and he multiplied Benjamin's portion above the portions of them all, five measures. And they drank and drank largely with him. "And he lifted up his eyes," signifies reflection; "and saw Benjamin," signifies a noticing of the intermediate "his brother, his mother's son," signifies the internal from the natural, as from a mother; "and said," signifies perception; "Is this your youngest brother, of whom ye spoke unto me?" signifies the one born after all, as was also known to them; "and he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son," signifies that the Divine is also with the spiritual of the celestial, which is the intermediate, because it proceeds from the celestial of the spiritual, which is truth from the Divine; "and Joseph made haste," signifies from the inmost; "for his compassions were moved," signifies mercy from love; "toward his brother," signifies toward the internal from itself; "and he sought to weep," signifies the effect of mercy from love; "and he came to the bed chamber, and wept there," signifies in itself, not apparently; "and he washed his faces," signifies that it is so arranged; "and went out," signifies by removal; "and he restrained himself," signifies by concealment; "and said, Set on bread," signifies perception of conjunction through the intermediate with truths in the natural; "and they set on for him alone, and for them alone," signifies outward appearance that the internal was as if separated from them; "and for the Egyptians, who did eat with him, alone," signifies separation of the memory-knowledges that are in inverted order; "because the Egyptians cannot eat bread with the Hebrews," signifies that they could not possibly be conjoined with the truth and good of the church; "because this is an abomination to the Egyptians," signifies that they are in opposition; "and they sat before him," signifies that they were set in order by his presence; "the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth," signifies according to the order of truths under good; "and the men were amazed, everyone at his companion," signifies a change of state of each one among them; "and he brought out portions from his faces unto them," signifies goods applied to each one from mercy; "and he multiplied Benjamin's portion above the portions of them all," signifies good for the intermediate above the goods for the truths in the natural; "five measures," signifies much increased; "and they drank," signifies the application of truths under good; "and drank largely with him," signifies abundantly.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5683

5683. Verses 29-34 And he lifted up his eyes and saw Benjamin his brother, his mother's son, and said, Is this your youngest brother, whom you said [something about] to me? And he said, God be gracious to you, my son. And Joseph hastened, because feelings of compassion were being roused in him towards his brother, and he sought [somewhere] to weep; and he went to his bedchamber and wept there. And he washed his face and went out; and he contained himself and said, Set on bread. And they set for him by himself, and for them by themselves and for the Egyptians eating with him by themselves; for the Egyptians cannot eat bread with the Hebrews, since that is an abomination to the Egyptians. And they sat in front of him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth; and the men were astonished [and looked] each at his companion. And he took portions from before his face to them, and he multiplied Benjamin's portion above the portions of all theirs - five measures more. And they drank, and drank plentifully with him.

'And he lifted up his eyes' means reflection. 'And saw Benjamin' means a discernment of the intermediary. 'His brother, his mother's son' means the internal born from the natural as its mother. 'And said' means perception. 'Is this your youngest brother, whom you said [something about] to me?' means born after all of them, as they well knew. 'And he said, God be gracious to you, my son means that the Divine was also present with the spiritual of the celestial, which is the intermediary, because it goes forth from the celestial of the spiritual, which is truth from the Divine. 'And Joseph hastened' means from what is inmost. 'Because feelings of compassion were being roused in him' means mercy springing out of love. 'Towards his brother' means towards the internal going forth from himself. 'And he sought [somewhere] to weep' means an expression of mercy springing out of love. 'And he went to his bedchamber and wept there' means within itself, in an unseen manner. 'And he washed his face' means that it took steps to ensure this. 'And went out' means by means of a removal. 'And he contained himself' means a concealment. 'And said, Set on bread' means a perception of a joining, through the intermediary, to the truths in the natural. 'And they set for him by himself, and for them by themselves' means the outward appearance that the internal was seemingly separated from them. 'And for the Egyptians eating with him by themselves' means the separation of factual knowledge existing in an inverted state of order. 'For the Egyptians cannot eat bread with the Hebrews' means that these could not by any means be joined to the truth and good of the Church. 'Since that is an abomination to the Egyptians' means that they are in a contrary position. 'And they took their seats in front of him' means that they were ranged in order, as determined by his presence. 'The firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth' means in conformity with the order truths take beneath good. 'And the men were astonished [and looked] each at his companion' means a change of state that took place in each one among them. 'And he took portions from before his face to them' means forms of good applied with mercy to each one. 'And he multiplied Benjamin's portion above the portions of all theirs' means the good imparted to the intermediary exceeded the forms of good imparted to the truths in the natural. 'Five measures more' means that it was much increased. 'And they drank' means the application of the truths beneath good. 'And drank plentifully' means in abundance.

Latin(1748-1756) 5683

5683. Vers. 29-34. Et sustulit oculos suos, et vidit Benjaminem fratrem suum, filium matris suae, et dixit, An hic frater vester minimus, quem dixistis ad me? et dixit, Deus gratiosus sit tibi, fili mi. Et festinavit Joseph, quia commovebantur commiserationes ejus ad fratrem suum, et quaerebat flere, et venit cubiculum, et flevit ibi. Et lavit facies suas, et exivit, et continuit se, et dixit, Ponite panem. Et posuerunt illi soli, et illis solis, et Aegyptiis comedentibus cum eo solis, quia non possunt Aegyptii comedere cum Hebraeis panem, quia abominatio id Aegyptiis. Et sederunt coram eo, primogenitus secundum primogenituram suam, et minorennis secundum minorennitatem suam, et obstupuerunt viri quisque ad socium suum. Et extulit portiones ex faciebus suis ad illos, et multiplicavit portionem Benjaminis prae portionibus omnium illorum quinque mensuris; et bibebant, et large bibebant cum eo. `Et sustulit oculos suos' significat reflexionem: `et vidit Benjaminem' significat apperceptionem medii: `fratrem suum, filium matris suae' significat internum a naturali, ut a matre: `et dixit' significat perceptionem: `An hic frater vester minimus, quem dixistis ad me?' significat natum post omnes, ut quoque illis notum: `et dixit, Deus gratiosus sit tibi, fili mi' significat quod Divinum etiam apud spirituale caelestis quod medium, quia procedit a caelesti spiritualis quod verum a Divino: `et festinavit Joseph' significat ab intimo: `quia commovebantur commiserationes ejus' significat misericordiam ex amore: `ad fratrem suum' significat erga internum a se: `et quaerebat flere' significat effectum misericordiae ex amore: `et venit cubiculum, et flevit ibi' significat in se, non apparenter: `et lavit facies suas' significat quod disponeret ita: `et exivit' significat per remotionem: `et continuit se' significat per occultationem: `et dixit, Ponite panem' significat perceptionem conjunctionis per medium cum veris in naturali: `et posuerunt illi soli, et illis solis' significat externam apparentiam quod internum quasi separatum ab illis: `et Aegyptiis comedentibus cum eo solis' significat separationem scientificorum quae in inverso ordine: `quia non possunt Aegyptii comedere cum Hebraeis panem' significat quod nequaquam conjungi possent cum vero et bono Ecclesiae: `quia abominatio id Aegyptiis' significat quod in opposito sint:`et {1}consederunt coram eo' significat quod disponerentur a sua praesentia: primogenitus secundum primogenituram suam, et minorennis secundum minorennitatem suam' significat secundum ordinem verorum sub bono: `et obstupuerunt viri quisque ad socium suum significat mutationem status cujusvis inter se: `et extulit portiones ex faciebus suis ad illos' significat bona applicata unicuivis ex misericordia: `et multiplicavit portionem Benjaminis prae portionibus omnium illorum' significat bonum medio supra bona veris in naturali: `quinque mensuris' significat quod multum auctum: `et bibebant' significat applicationem verorum sub bono: `et large bibebant {2}' significat abundanter. @1 thus A I here and 5703; cp. above.$ @2 A I o cum eo here and 5710; cp. above$

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