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属天的奥秘 第5724节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5724

5724. There are in the brain viscidities in which is mingled something spirituous or vital, and these viscidities, expelled from the blood there, fall first among the meninges, then among the fibers, part of them into the great ventricles of the brain, and so on. The spirits who relate by correspondence to those viscidities which have something spirituous or some life in them, appear almost directly above the middle of the head at a mid distance, and are such that from habit acquired in the life of the body they stir scruples of conscience, and intrude in matters of no conscience, and in this way burden the conscience of the simple. Nor do they know what ought to engage the conscience, but make everything that occurs a matter of conscience. Such spirits induce a sensible anxiety in the part of the abdomen beneath the region of the diaphragm. They are also present in temptations, and inject anxieties, at times unbearable. Those of them who correspond to the viscous phlegm of less vitality then keep the thought fixed in these anxieties. Moreover, when I have been in discourse with them, in order to know their quality, they tried in various ways to burden the conscience. This had been the delight of their life; and it was given me to notice that they cannot attend to reasons, and that they do not possess that more universal view of things that would enable them to see the singular ones.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5724

5724. In the brain there are viscous substances that have something spirituous or life-giving mixed into them. Once those substances have been expelled from the blood in the brain, they first of all move in among the meninges, then among the fibres; some of them move into the large ventricles in the brain, and so on. The spirits who are related by correspondence to those viscous substances that have something spirituous or life-giving in them are seen almost directly above the middle of the head, a fair distance away. They are the kind who, from habit acquired during their lifetime, raise conscientious objections, introducing them where conscience has no part to play, and thereby over-burdening the consciences of simple persons. They are unaware of what ought to be a matter of conscience; for they bring conscience into everything that happens to them. These spirits also introduce a feeling of anxiety that is located in the abdomen underneath the diaphragm. They are present too in temptations, introducing feelings of anxiety that are sometimes unbearable. Those among them who correspond to phlegm that is not so life-giving keep a person's thought fixed on such anxious feelings. I have also been with them in their discussions so that I might know what those spirits were like. They try by various methods to over-burden a person's conscience. To do this had been the delight of their lives, and I was led to observe that they could not pay attention to reasons presented to them, and that they were unable to take the overall view of things from which they might then look at specific details.

Latin(1748-1756) 5724

5724. Sunt in cerebro viscosa quibus immixtum aliquid spirituosum seu vitale, quae viscosa e sanguine ibi expuncta incidunt primum inter meninges, dein inter {1}fibras, pars eorum in ventriculos {2]magnos in cerebro, et sic porro; spiritus qui ad viscosa illa in quibus aliquid spirituosi [3]seu aliquid vitae est, referuntur correspondenter; apparent supra medium caput directe fere, ad mediam distantiam, et tales sunt {4}ut ex more in vita corporis, scrupulos conscientiae moveant et insinuent in rebus nullius conscientiae, ita aggravant conscientiam simplicium, nec sciunt quid conscientiam {5}movere debeat, in omni quod obvenit, conscientiam ponentes. Tales etiam anxietatem sensibilem inducunt parti abdominis sub regione diaphragmatis; in tentationibus etiam adsunt et anxietates inferunt quandoque intolerabiles; {6}qui illorum' phlegmati viscoso minus vitali correspondent, cogitationem tunc inhaerenter tenent in anxiis illis. Cum illis etiam in sermone fui ut scirem quales essent; tentabant variis modis aggravare conscientiam; hoc jucundum vitae eorum fuerat, et observare datum quod non possent ad rationes attendere, et quod (t)illis non esset {7}rerum universalior intuitio, a qua singularia viderent. @1 fibrillares fasces (or fascias)$ @2 i binos$ @3 hoc est $ @4 before scrupulos$ @5 morare debet I $ @6 et qui eorum$ @7 i aliqua$

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