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属天的奥秘 第5761节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5761

5761. And he said, Now also according to your words. That this signifies that it would indeed be so from justice, is evident from what has been explained just above (see n. 5758, 5759). Its being from justice that he who did this should die is signified by, "now also according to your words;" but a milder sentence now follows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5761

5761. 'And he said, Now also, according to Your words' means indeed so, as justice demands. This is clear from the explanations just above in 5758, 5759. As justice demands - that the one who does this must die - is meant by 'now also, according to Your words'; but then a less severe sentence follows.

Latin(1748-1756) 5761

5761. `Et dixit, Etiam nunc secundum verba vestra': quod significet quod quidem ita ex justitia, constat ex illis quae mox supra n. 5758, 5759 {1} explicata sunt; quod ita ex justitia, nempe quod moriturus qui hoc facit, significatur per `etiam nunc secundum verba vestra'; at mitior sententia nunc sequitur. @1 i ex dictis$

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