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属天的奥秘 第5763节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5763

5763. He with whom it is found shall be to me a servant. That this signifies that he with whom it is, shall be forever without his own freedom, is evident from the signification of a "servant," as being to be without one's own freedom (as above, n. 5760). The case is this. Joseph's silver cup, placed by his order with Benjamin, signifies interior truth (see n. 5736, 5747). He who is in interior truth knows that all truth and good are from the Lord, and also that all freedom from his own, or from the man himself, is infernal; for when a man thinks or does anything from his own freedom, he thinks and does nothing but evil. In consequence he is a servant of the devil, for all evil flows in from hell. He also feels delight in such freedom, because it agrees with the evil in which he is, and into which he was born. Wherefore this freedom from one's own must be put off, and heavenly freedom must be put on instead, which consists in willing what is good and thence doing it, and in desiring what is true and thence thinking it. When a man receives this freedom he is a servant of the Lord, and is then in freedom itself, and not in the bondage in which he was before, and which appeared like freedom. This then is what is meant by being forever without one's own freedom. (The nature and source of freedom may be seen above, n. 2870-2893; and also that freedom itself is to be led by the Lord, n. 2890.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 5763

5763. 'He with whom it is found will be my slave' means that the one with whom that thing is present will forever be without his freedom. This is clear from the meaning of 'slave' as being without one's freedom, as above in 5760. The implications of this are as follows: Joseph's cup made of silver, placed on Joseph's orders with Benjamin, means interior truth, 5736, 5747. Anyone in possession of interior truth knows that everything true and good comes from the Lord, also that all freedom of one's own or originating in a person himself is hellish freedom. For when a person is motivated by his own freedom to do or think something, he does and thinks nothing but evil. He is consequently the devil's slave, hell being the origin of all evil that flows in. He also has a feeling of delight in that freedom, because it fits in with the evil in which he is steeped and into which he was born. Consequently he needs to rid himself of the freedom which is his own and take on heavenly freedom instead, which consists in willing what is good and therefore doing what is good, and in desiring what is true and therefore thinking what is true. When a person receives this freedom he is the Lord's slave or servant, in which case he enjoys true freedom and is not in the slavery in which he had been previously and which seemed like freedom. This is what is meant by being forever without his own freedom. What the essence and origin of freedom are, see 2870, 2893; true freedom consists in being led by the Lord, 2890.

Latin(1748-1756) 5763

5763. `Cum quo invenitur, erit {1}servus meus': quod significet quod apud quem id, is in perpetuum absque proprio libero erit, constat ex significatione `servi' quod sit absque proprio libero esse, ut supra n. 5760. Cum hoc ita se habet: scyphus argenti Josephi, positus jussu Josephi apud Benjaminem, significat verum interius, n. 5736, 5747; qui in vero interiore est, is novit quod omne verum et bonum sit a Domino, et quoque quod omne liberum ex proprio seu ex ipso homine, sit infernale; homo enim cum ex proprio libero aliquid facit et cogitat, non nisi quam malum facit et cogitat, inde est servus diaboli, ex inferno enim {2}omne malum influit; jucundum etiam in illo libero sentit, quia convenit malo in quo est et in quod natus est; quapropter proprium illud liberum exuendum est et pro illo induendum liberum caeleste, quod est velle bonum et inde facere bonum, (c)ac desiderare verum et inde cogitare verum; hoc liberum cum accipit, tunc est servus Domini, et tunc est in ipso libero, non autem in servo in quo prius quod apparuit ut liberum; hoc nunc est esse in perpetuum absque proprio libero; (x)quid liberum et unde, videatur n.{3} 2870-2893; et quod ipsum liberum sit duci a Domino, n. 2890. @1 See p. 293, ftnote 1$ @2 tal(ia?) influunt$ @3 i 892, 905$

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