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属天的奥秘 第5969节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5969

5969. And his heart failed, because he believed them not. That this signifies a lack of life of the natural, and thence of understanding, is evident from the signification of the "heart failing," as being a lack of life; and because it is said of Jacob, by whom is represented natural good (see n. 5965), it signifies a lack of life of the natural; and from the signification of "not believing," as being a lack of understanding. The reason why it is said thence, is that the life which is of the will always precedes, and the life of the understanding follows. The reason is that in the will alone is life, and not in the understanding except from the will. It is evident from the good which is of the will and from the truth which is of the understanding, that life is in good, but not in truth except from good; for it is manifest that what lives is always prior, and that what lives therefrom is posterior. This is the reason why it is said a lack of life of the natural and thence of understanding, which is signified by his "heart failing, because he believed them not."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5969

5969. 'And his heart failed, for he did not believe them' means a lack of natural life and consequent lack of understanding. This is clear from the meaning of 'his heart failed' as a lack of life, and because these words have reference to 'Jacob', who represents natural good, 5965, it is a lack of natural life; and from the meaning of 'not believing' as a lack of understanding. The word consequent is used because the life that belongs to the will always precedes and that of the understanding follows; and the reason for this is that life resides solely in the will, not in the understanding except as life received from the will. This is clear from good which exists in the will and truth which exists in the understanding, in that good has life within it but not truth except as it receives it from that good. It is quite plain that what has life is always prior and what receives life from it is posterior. This explains the use of the expression 'a lack of natural life and consequent lack of understanding', meant by 'his heart failed, for he did not believe them'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5969

5969. `Et defecit cor ejus, quia non credidit illis': quod significet deficientiam vitae naturalis et inde intellectus, constat ex significatione `defecit cor' quod sit deficientia vitae, et quia {1}dicitur de `Jacobo' per (x)quem repraesentatur bonum naturale, n. (x)5965, est deficientia vitae naturalis; et ex significatione `non credere' quod sit deficientia intellectus; quod dicatur inde, est quia praecedit semper vita quae voluntatis{2}, et sequitur vita intellectus; causa est quia solum voluntati inest vita, non autem intellectui nisi ex voluntate; hoc constat a bono quod est voluntatis, et a vero quod est intellectus, quod bono insit vita, non autem vero nisi ex bono; {3}manifestum enim est quod id semper prius sit quod vivit, et id posterius quod inde vivit; haec causa est quod dicatur deficientia vitae naturalis et inde intellectus, quae significantur per quod `defecit cor ejus, quia non credidit illis'. @1 praedicatur$ @2 i quae per cor intelligitur$ @3 inde patet$

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