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属天的奥秘 第5971节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5971

5971. And he saw the carts which Joseph had sent to carry him. That this signifies doctrinal things thence derived which might persuade, is evident from the signification of "carts," as being doctrinal things (see n. 5945, 5952); from the signification of "which Joseph had sent," as being which were from the internal celestial; and from the signification of "to carry him," as being which might persuade; for to carry him to Joseph that he might see him denotes to persuade. Moreover that he was persuaded by seeing the carts is evident from the words which now follow, namely, "the spirit of Jacob their father revived; and Israel said, It is much; Joseph my son is yet alive."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5971

5971. 'And he saw the carts which Joseph had sent to carry him' means matters of doctrine received from this which might prove convincing. This is clear from the meaning of 'the carts' as matters of doctrine, dealt with in 5945, 5952; from the meaning of 'which Joseph sent' as which come from the internal celestial; and from the meaning of 'to carry him' as which might prove convincing, for carrying him to Joseph so that he may see him means to convince. And once he had seen the carts he was indeed convinced, as is clear from the words which immediately follow,

The spirit of Jacob their father revived, and Israel said, Enough; Joseph my son is still alive.

Latin(1748-1756) 5971

5971. `Et vidit vehicula quae misit Josephus ad ferendum illum': quod significet doctrinalia inde quae persuaderent, constat ex significatione `vehiculorum' quod sint doctrinalia, de qua n. 5945, 5952; ex significatione `quae misit Josephus' quod sit quae a caelesti interno; et a significatione `ad ferendum illum' quod sit quae persuaderent, nam ferre (c)eum ad Josephum ut videat eum, est persuadere; quod etiam ex visis vehiculis persuasus fuerit, (c)ex verbis quae nunc sequuntur, nempe, revixit spiritus Jacobi patris illorum, et dixit Israel, Multum, adhuc Joseph filius meus vivit', constat.

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