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属天的奥秘 第5972节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5972

5972. And the spirit of Jacob their father revived. That this signifies new life, is evident from the signification of the "spirit reviving," as being new life; and from the representation of Jacob, as being natural good (see n. 5965). Thus by "the spirit of Jacob revived" is signified new life to natural good. Life becomes new when what is spiritual flows in from the internal and acts from within in those things which are in the natural. Thereby natural good becomes spiritual, adjoined to the spiritual good which is represented by Israel, for which reason also Jacob is now called "Israel," for it is said, "the spirit of Jacob revived, and Israel said."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5972

5972. 'And the spirit of Jacob their father revived' means newness of life. This is clear from the meaning of 'the spirit revived' as newness of life; and from the representation of 'Jacob' as natural good, dealt with in 5965. Hence 'the spirit of Jacob revived' means newness of life imparted to natural good. Newness of life occurs when what is spiritual flows in from the internal and acts from within on what is in the natural. Natural good is thereby made spiritual, having been linked to spiritual good, which 'Israel' represents. This also explains why Jacob is now called Israel, for the words used are, 'the spirit of Jacob revived, and Israel said'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5972

5972. `Et revixit spiritus Jacobi patris illorum': quod significet vitam novam, constat ex significatione `revixit spiritus' quod sit vita nova; et ex repraesentatione `Jacobi' quod sit bonum naturale, de qua n. (x)5965; inde per `revixit spiritus Jacobi' significatur vita nova bono naturali; vita nova fit cum spirituale ab interno influit, et in illis quae in naturali sunt, ab interiore agit, inde bonum naturale fit {1} spirituale, adjunctum bono spirituali quod repraesentatur per `Israelem'; ob quam causam etiam Jacob nunc vocatur Israel, nam dicitur, `revixit spiritus Jacobi, et dixit Israel'. @1 i bonum$

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