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属天的奥秘 第6116节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6116

6116. And when the silver was all spent in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan. That this signifies that on account of the desolation, true and adaptable memory-knowledge was no longer to be seen in the natural and within the church, is evident from the signification of "being all spent," as being to be no longer visible; from the signification of "silver," as being true and adaptable memory-knowledge (of which above, n. 6112); from the signification of the "land of Egypt," as being the natural where memory-knowledges are (of which above, n. 6111); and from the signification of the "land of Canaan," as being the church (of which also above, n. 6067). That it was on account of the desolation, is evident from what goes before (n. 6110).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6116

6116. 'And when the silver had been used up in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan' means that factual knowledge that held truth in it and was appropriate could be seen no longer in the natural or within the Church on account of the desolation. This is clear from the meaning of 'being used up' as being seen no longer; from the meaning of 'silver' as factual knowledge that holds truth in it and is appropriate, dealt with above in 6112; from the meaning of 'the land of Egypt' as the natural where factual knowledge resides, dealt with above in 6111; and from the meaning of 'the land of Canaan' as the Church, also dealt with above, in 6067. The fact that it was on account of the desolation is evident from what has gone before, see 6110.

Latin(1748-1756) 6116

6116. `Et consumptum argentum e terra Aegypti et e terra Canaan': quod significet quod scientificum verum et aptabile non magis conspicuum esset in naturali et intra Ecclesiam ob desolationem, constat ex significatione `consumptum esse' quod sit non magis conspicuum esse; ex significatione `argenti' quod sit scientificum verum et aptabile, de qua supra n. 6112; a significatione `terrae Aegypti' quod sit naturale ubi scientifica, de qua supra n. 6111; et ex significatione `terrae Canaanis' quod sit Ecclesia, de qua etiam supra n. 6067; quod ob desolationem, patet ab illis quae praecedunt, videatur n. 6110.

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