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属天的奥秘 第6117节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6117

6117. And all Egypt came unto Joseph. That this signifies application to the internal, is evident from the signification of "coming unto him," as being to be applied; from the signification of "Egypt," as being knowledge (of which above); and from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal (of which also above). That all the memory-knowledge in the natural was under the auspices of the internal, is signified by Joseph's being ruler over all the land of Egypt. But the conjunction of the truths of the church with the memory-knowledges in the natural is what is now described in the internal sense.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6117

6117. 'And all Egypt came to Joseph' means a turning to the internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'coming to him' as turning to; from the meaning of 'Egypt' as factual knowledge, dealt with already; and from the representation of 'Joseph' as the internal, also dealt with already. The consideration that all factual knowledge in the natural was subject to the control of the internal is meant by Joseph's being master over the whole land of Egypt. But the joining of the Church's truths to known facts in the natural is what the internal sense is describing here.

Latin(1748-1756) 6117

6117. `Et venerunt omnis Aegyptus ad Josephum': quod significet applicationem ad internum, constat a significatione `venire ad illum' quod sit applicari; ex significatione `Aegypti' quod sit scientificum, de qua prius; et ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit internum, de qua etiam prius. Quod omne scientificum in naturali sub auspicio interni esset, significatur per quod `Josephus esset dominans super totam terram Aegypti'; at conjunctio verorum Ecclesiae cum scientificis in naturali est quae nunc in sensu interno describitur.

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