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属天的奥秘 第6144节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6144

6144. Because the famine grew strong upon them. That this signifies because there was desolation even to despair, is evident from the signification of "famine," as being desolation in respect to those things which are of the church (n. 5415, 5576); and when the famine is said "to grow strong," it denotes despair (n. 5279), for the last of desolation is despair. There are many reasons why despair is the last of desolation and of temptation (see n. 5279, 5280), of which only these following may be adduced. Despair causes those who feel it to acknowledge in an effectual and feeling manner that there is nothing of truth and good from themselves, and that from themselves they are condemned; but that they are delivered from condemnation by the Lord; and that salvation flows in by means of truth and good. Despair also causes them to feel the happiness of life which is from the Lord; for when they come out of that state, they are like those who have been condemned to death, and are set free from prison. Moreover by means of desolations and temptations, states contrary to heavenly life are felt, the result of which is the implantation of a sense and perception of the satisfaction and happiness of heavenly life; for a sense and perception of what is satisfying and happy is impossible without comparison with the opposites. To the end therefore that full comparisons may be made, desolations and temptations are brought to their utmost, that is, to despair.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6144

6144. 'Because the famine overwhelmed them' means because the desolation reached the point of despair. This is clear from the meaning of 'the famine' as desolation so far as things of the Church are concerned, dealt with in 5415, 5576. When it is said to 'overwhelm' them, it is despair, as in 5279, for the final stage of desolation is despair. Despair is the final stage of desolation and temptation, 5279, 5280, for a number of reasons, of which let only the following be advanced here: Through despair people are led in an effective and perceptible way to acknowledge that nothing true or good comes from themselves, and to acknowledge that what is their own has caused them to be damned but that with the Lord's aid they are delivered from damnation, with salvation entering in through what is true and good. Despair also exists to the end that life's bliss which the Lord imparts may be felt; for when people come out of that state of despair they are like those who have been condemned to death but then freed from prison. Periods of desolation and temptation also serve as the means by which people gain an insight into states contrary to heavenly life and from them are given a perception and insight into the bliss and happiness of heavenly life. For a perception and insight into bliss and happiness come in no other way than from a contrast with their opposites. Therefore so that they can have the one fully demonstrated as against the other, periods of desolation and temptation are protracted to the utmost, that is, to the point of despair.

Latin(1748-1756) 6144

6144. `{1}Quoniam' influit super illos fames': quod significet quia desolatio usque ad desperationem, constat ex significatione `famis' quod sit desolatio (x)quoad illa quae sunt Ecclesiae, de qua n. 5415, 5576; quae cum dicitur `invalescere', est desperatio, ut n. 5279, nam ultimum desolationis est desperatio. Quod desperatio sit ultimum desolationis et tentationis, n. 5279,5280, est ob plures causas, quarum has solum afferre licet: per desperationem effective et sensibiliter agnoscitur quod nihil veri et boni ab ipsis, et quod ex se damnati sint sed quod a Domino liberentur a damnatione, et influat salus per verum et bonum; desperatio etiam est ob causam ut faustum vitae quod a Domino, sentiatur; nam cum ex statu illo veniunt, sunt sicut illi qui e carcere damnati mortis liberantur; etiam per desolationes et tentationes percipiuntur status contrarii vitae caelesti, inde sensus et perceptio fausti et felicis vitae caelestis inditur; aliunde enim sensus et perceptio fausti et felicis quam ex relatione ad contraria, non venit; ut itaque plenae rationes habeantur, desolationes et tentationes ad summum, hoc est, ad desperationem perducuntur. @1 I has quia here only$

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