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属天的奥秘 第6145节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6145

6145. And the land was Pharaoh's. That this signifies that all things were subjected to the natural that was under the auspices of the internal, is evident from the signification of "the land was Pharaoh's," as being the appropriation and subjection of all things which are signified by the "land;" and from the representation of Pharaoh, as being the natural in general (see n. 5160, 5799, 6015), into which were brought the memory-knowledges which are signified by "Egypt" (n. 6115). That it is under the auspices of the internal, is because the whole natural, both in general and in part, as being under the auspices of the internal, is signified by Joseph's being ruler over all the land of Egypt, and also by his being set over Pharaoh's house (Gen. 41:40-43), as we read:

Joseph said unto his brethren, God hath set me for a father to Pharaoh, and for a lord to all his house, and I rule in all the land of Egypt (Gen. 45:3, 8). This is the reason why it is said of the natural that it is under the auspices of the internal.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6145

6145. 'And the land was Pharaoh's' means that all things were made subject to the natural, which was under the control of the internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'the land was his' as the making its own of all things, meant by 'the land', and the subjection of them to itself; and from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the natural in general, dealt with in 5160, 5799, 6015, into which factual knowledge, meant by 'Egypt', was gathered, 6115. The reason this was under the control of the internal is that the entire natural, both in general and in every part, was under it. Being under the control of the internal is meant by Joseph's being lord over all the land of Egypt, and also by his having been placed in charge over Pharaoh's house, Gen.41:40-43; also Chapter 45 where it says,

Joseph said to his brothers, God has established me as father to Pharaoh, and lord for all his house; and I have dominion in all the land of Egypt. Gen 45:8.

This now explains why it is said of the natural that it was under the control of the internal.

Latin(1748-1756) 6145

6145. `Et fuit terra Pharaoni': quod significet quod subjecta omnia naturali quod sub auspicio interni, constat ex significatione `fuit terra illi' quod sit appropriatio et subjectio omnium quae per `terram' significantur; et ex repraesentatione `Pharaonis' quod sit naturale in communi, de qua n. (x)5160, 5799,6015, ad quod scientifica quae per `Aegyptum' significantur, collata sunt, n. 6115; quod sub auspicio interni, est quia totum naturale tam in communi quam in parte; quod sub auspicio interni sit, significatur per quod `Joseph dominans fuerit super omnem terram Aegypti', et quoque quod `praefectus super domum Pharaonis', Gen. xli 40-43; et xlv, ubi haec:

Dixit Joseph ad fratres suos, Deus posuit me ad patrem Pharaoni, et ad dominum omni domui suae, et dominor in omni terra Aegypti, vers. 8; inde nunc est quod de naturali dicatur quod sub auspicio interni.

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