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属天的奥秘 第6162节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6162

6162. Let us find grace in the eyes of my lord. That this signifies the will that in this way they be made subject, and humiliation, is evident from the fact that these words, uttered after all things appertaining to them have been renounced, are words of acknowledgment, thus also of the will that in this way they be subjected; thus that they are words of humiliation. That this sense is within these words is evident from the state in which the people then were, which state is also manifest from the series of what goes before and of what follows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6162

6162. 'Let us find favour in the eyes of [my] lord' means a willingness to be made subject in this way, and self-abasement. This becomes clear from the fact that these words, coming as they do after the renunciation by those people of all they possess, are words expressing a willingness to be made subject in this way, and thus that they are words expressing self-abasement. The presence of these meanings within those words is clear from the state in which the people found themselves at that time, a state that is also evident from the train of thought in what comes before and after this.

Latin(1748-1756) 6162

6162. `Inveniamus gratiam in oculis domini': quod significet voluntatem ut ita subjecta {1}sint, et humiliationem, constare potest ex eo quod verba illa, postquam omnia quae illis abdicata sunt, sint verba agnitionis, ita quoque voluntatis quod ita subjecta sint, et sic quod sint verba humiliationis; quod haec insint verbis illis, constat ex statu in quo tunc fuerunt, qui status etiam ex antecedentium et consequentium serie patet. @1 sit in 6108$

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