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属天的奥秘 第6164节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6164

6164. And Joseph made it a statute. That this signifies what is concluded from consent, is evident from the signification of "making a statute," as being to conclude from consent; for that which is made a statute is done with consent on both sides, and is accounted among things ordained by agreement, thus duly.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6164

6164. 'And Joseph made it a statute' means a conclusion based on consent. This is clear from the meaning of 'making it a statute' as a conclusion based on consent; for what is made a statute comes into being with the consent of both parties and is regarded as one of those which have been mutually agreed on and so have imposed an obligation.

Latin(1748-1756) 6164

6164. `Et posuit {1}Joseph ad statutum': quod significet conclusum ex consensu, constat ex significatione `ponere in statutum' quod sit concludere ex consensu, nam quod ponitur in statutum, hoc fit ex consensu ab utraque parte, et refertur inter illa quae ex pacto et sic debito irrogata sunt. @1 see p. 469, ftnote 3$

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