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属天的奥秘 第6230节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6230

6230. And blessed me. That this signifies a prediction about vivification, is evident from the signification of "blessing," as here being a prediction about vivification; for the blessing was that He would make him fruitful, and multiply him, and make him a company of peoples, and give the land to his seed after him for an eternal possession; all which are predictions about vivification. Not that the posterity of Jacob were vivified; but they who are in the truth of faith and the good of charity; for these are "Jacob" and "Israel" in the internal sense.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6230

6230. 'And blessed me' means a foretelling about a bestowal of life. This is clear from the meaning here of 'blessing' as a foretelling regarding a bestowal of life; for the blessing was that He would make him fruitful and multiply him, make him into a congregation of peoples, and give the land to his seed after him as an everlasting possession, which are all part of the foretelling about the bestowal of life. Not that Jacob's descendants were to have life bestowed on them but those who have the truth of faith and the good of charity in them; for these are the ones who are meant in the internal sense by 'Jacob and Israel'.

Latin(1748-1756) 6230

6230. `Et benedixit mihi': quod significet praedictionem de vivificatione, constat ex significatione `benedicere' quod hic sit praedictio de vivificatione; nam haec benedictio erat quod `fructificaret eum, et multiplicaret eum, et daret eum in coetum populorum, et daret terram semini post eum in possessionem aeternam' quae omnia sunt praedictionis de vivificatione; non quod posteri Jacobi vivificarentur sed quod illi qui in vero fidei et bono charitatis sunt, nam hi sunt `Jacob et Israel' in sensu interno.

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