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属天的奥秘 第6351节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6351

6351. Verses 5-7. Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of violence are their swords. Into their secret let not my soul come; in their assembly let not my glory be united; for in their anger they slew a man, and in their good pleasure they unstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger for it was vehement, and their wrath for it was hard. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. "Simeon and Levi are brethren," signifies faith in the will, and charity, here the reverse, because they signify faith separate from charity; "instruments of violence are their swords," signifies that doctrinal things serve to destroy the works of charity, thus charity itself; "into their secret let not my soul come," signifies that spiritual good does not desire to know the evils which are of their will; "in their assembly let not my glory be united," signifies that neither does the truth of spiritual good desire to know the falsities of their thought thence derived; "for in their anger they slew a man," signifies that they utterly averted themselves, and in their turning away extinguished faith; "and in their good pleasure they unstrung an ox," signifies that from a depraved will they utterly weakened the external good of charity; "cursed be their anger for it was vehement," signifies a grievous turning away from good, and the consequent condemnation; "and their wrath, for it was hard," signifies a turning away from the derivative truth, that it was confirmed; "I will divide them in Jacob," signifies that they must be banished from the natural man; "and scatter them in Israel," signifies from the spiritual man also.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6351

6351. Verses 5-7 Simeon and Levi are brothers; instruments of violence are their swords. Into their secret place let my soul not come; in their congregation let not my glory be united; for in their anger they killed a man, and in their pleasure they hamstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their wrath, for it is hard.a I will divide them in Jacob, and will scatter them in Israel. 'Simeon and Levi are brothers' means faith in the will and charity, but here the opposite since faith separated from charity is meant. 'Instruments of violence are their swords' means that religious teachings serve to destroy charitable deeds, thus charity itself. 'Into their secret place let my soul not come means that spiritual good has no wish to know the evil intentions of their will. 'In their congregation let not my glory be united' means that neither does the truth of spiritual good have any wish to know the resulting false ideas constituting their thought. 'For in their anger they killed a man' means that they felt utterly averse, and having that feeling they annihilated faith. 'And in their pleasure they hamstrung an ox' means that motivated by a wicked will they crippled completely the external good of charity. 'Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce' means an utter aversion to good and consequent damnation. 'And their wrath, for it is hard' means an aversion to the truth that is derived from good - a firm and determined aversion. 'I will divide them in Jacob' means that they are to be banished from the natural man. 'And will scatter them in Israel' means that they are to be banished from the spiritual man.


a i.e. cruel

Latin(1748-1756) 6351

6351. Vers. 5-7. Shimeon et Levi fratres, instrumenta violentiae machaerae eorum. In secretum eorum ne veniat anima mea, in congregatione eorum ne uniatur gloria mea, quia in ira sua occiderunt virum, et in beneplacito suo enervarunt bovem. Maledicta ira eorum quia vehemens, et excandescentia eorum quia dura; dividam eos in Jacobo, et dispergam eos in Israele. `Shimeon et Levi fratres' significat fidem voluntate et charitatem; hic contrarium, quia {1}fidem separatam a charitate: `instrumenta violentiae machaerae eorum' significat quod doctrinalia serviant ad destruendum opera charitatis, ita ipsam charitatem: `in secretum eorum ne veniat anima mea' significat quod bonum spirituale non scire velit mala quae voluntatis eorum: `in congregatione eorum ne uniatur gloria mea' significat quod nec verum boni spiritualis scire velit falsa cogitationis eorum inde: `quia in ira sua occiderunt virum' significat quod se averterint prorsus, et in aversione exstinxerint fidem: `et in beneplacito suo enervarunt bovem' significat quod ex prava voluntate prorsus debilitaverint bonum externum quod charitatis: `maledicta ira eorum quia vehemens' significat aversionem gravem a bono et inde damnationem: `et excandescentia eorum quia dura' significat aversionem a vero inde, quod (x)confirmata: `dividam eos in Jacobo' significat quod a naturali homine exterminanda: `et dispergam eos in Israele' significat quod a spirituali. @1 fides separata$

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