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属天的奥秘 第6507节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6507

6507. And the Egyptians wept for him. That this signifies the sadness of the memory-knowledges of the church, is evident from the signification of "weeping," as being the height of sadness, and a representative of internal mourning (see n. 3801, 4786); and from the representation of the Egyptians, as being the memory-knowledges of the church (n. 4749, 4964, 4966). The sadness of the memory-knowledges of the church, which is signified by the "Egyptians weeping for Israel," does not mean sadness on account of his death, for this is the sense of the letter; but their sadness here means sadness because the good of the church, which is represented by Israel, had left the memory-knowledges, which are the externals of the church, when it ascended from them to the internal of the church, which is the good of truth; for in this case it no longer regards memory-knowledges as being with itself, as before, but beneath itself. For when the truth of the spiritual church becomes good, a revolution takes place, and the man no longer looks at truths from truths, but from good, which revolution has already been several times described. From this comes the sadness, and it also comes from the fact that a different order is effected among the memory-knowledges, which is not effected without pain.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6507

6507. 'And the Egyptians wept for him' means sadness on the part of the Church's factual knowledge. This is clear from the meaning of 'weeping' as the highest degree of sadness, and an action representing internal grief, dealt with in 3801, 4786; and from the representation of 'the Egyptians' as the Church's factual knowledge, dealt with in 4749, 4964, 4966. The sadness on the part of the Church's factual knowledge which is described by 'the Egyptians wept for Israel' does not mean sadness because of his death; that is the meaning in the literal sense. Rather the sadness meant here is sadness because the Church's good, represented by' Israel', had departed from the factual knowledge that forms the external level of the Church when it rose up from there to an internal level, the level of the good of truth. For it does not now see that knowledge present with itself, as it did before, but beneath itself. For when the truth of the spiritual Church becomes good, a reversal takes place, in that the person no longer sees truths from the point of view of truths but of good. This reversal has been discussed several times before. From this comes the sadness, which also arises from the fact that a different order is introduced at that time within the factual knowledge; and that is not accomplished without pain.

Latin(1748-1756) 6507

6507. `Et fleverunt illum Aegyptii': quod significet tristitiam scientificorum Ecclesiae, constat ex significatione `flere' quod sit summum tristitiae, et repraesentativum luctus interni, de qua n. 3801, 4786; et ex repraesentatione `Aegyptiorum' quod sint scientifica Ecclesiae, de qua n. 4749, 4964, 4966. Tristitia scientificorum Ecclesiae quae per `fleverunt Israelem Aegyptii', non significat tristitiam propter mortem ejus, hic enim sensus est sensus litterae; sed tristitia hic significat tristitiam propter quod bonum Ecclesiae quod per `Israelem' repraesentatur, reliquerit scientifica quae sunt externa Ecclesiae, cum ab illis ascenderit ad Ecclesiae internum quod est bonum veri; tunc enim non spectat scientifica apud se, ut prius, sed infra se; nam cum verum Ecclesiae spiritualis fit bonum, tunc fit versura, et tunc non amplius spectat vera ex veris sed vera ex bono, de qua versura prius aliquoties actum est; inde tristitia; et quoque inde quod tunc fiat alius ordo inter scientifica, quod {1}nec fit absque dolore. @1 non$

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