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属天的奥秘 第6538节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6538

6538. Which is in the passage of the Jordan. That this signifies which is a state of initiation into the knowledges of good and truth, is evident from the signification of the "Jordan," as being initiation into the knowledges of good and truth, thus that which is first of the Lord's kingdom and church in respect to entrance, and last in respect to exit (see n. 4255); (that the rivers bounding the land of Canaan were representative of the ultimates in the Lord's kingdom, may be seen above, n. 1585, 4116, 4240); hence by the "passage of Jordan" is signified initiation into the knowledges of good and truth, for the knowledges of good and truth are the first things whereby man is initiated into the things that belong to the church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6538

6538. 'Which is at the crossing of the Jordan' means which is one of introduction into cognitions of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the Jordan' as introduction into cognitions of good and truth, thus the first sector of the Lord's kingdom and the Church as one goes in, and the last as one comes out, dealt with in 4255. The rivers where the land of Canaan came to an end were representative of the outermost things within the Lord's kingdom, see 1585, 4116, 4240. This is why 'the crossing of the Jordan' means introduction into cognitions of good and truth, for cognitions of good and truth are what come first and serve to introduce a person into the things that constitute the Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 6538

6538. `Quae in transitu Jordanis': quod significet {1}qui initiationis in cognitiones boni et veri, constat ex significatione `Jordanis' quod sit initiatio in cognitiones boni et veri, ita quod sit regni Domini {2}et Ecclesiae primum quoad introitum, et ultimum quoad exitum, de qua n. 4255; quod `fluvii' ubi terminabatur terra Canaan, essent {3}repraesentativi ultimorum in regno Domini, videatur n. 1585, 4116, 4240; inde est quod per `transitum Jordanis' significetur initiatio in cognitiones boni et veri, nam cognitiones boni et veri sunt prima per quae homo initiatur in illa quae sunt Ecclesiae. @1 quae$ @2 seu$ @3 repraesentativa$

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