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属天的奥秘 第6537节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6537

6537. And they came to the threshing-floor Atad. That this signifies the first state, is evident from the signification of "threshing-floor," as being where the good of truth is, for in a threshing-floor there is grain, and by "grain" is signified the good that is from truth (see n. 5295, 5410), and also the truth of good (n. 5959); and from the signification of "Atad," as being the quality of this state, according to the signification of names of places elsewhere. That by the "threshing-floor Atad" is signified a state, namely as to the good and truth of the church, is because it was at the passage of the Jordan, and by this passage is signified initiation into the knowledges of good and truth (of which presently). For the Jordan was the first boundary in respect to the land of Canaan; and as by the "land of Canaan" is signified the church, therefore by the "Jordan" is signified those things which are the first of the church, or by means of which entrance to the church is opened. [2] Hence it is that by the "threshing-floor Atad" is signified the first state; and as the first state was signified, mourning was made near the threshing-floor, because it was on their side of the Jordan, and the land, of Canaan, by which is signified the church, was there in sight. That a "threshing-floor" signifies where are the good of truth and the truth of good, thus where are the things of the church, is evident in Joel:

Rejoice ye sons of Zion, and be glad in Jehovah your God; the threshing-floors are full of grain, and the presses overflow with new wine and oil (Joel 2:23, 24);

where the "sons of Zion" denote truths from good; the "threshing-floors full of grain," the abundance of truths and goods. [3] In Hosea:

Be not glad O Israel because thou hast committed whoredom from under thy God, thou hast loved harlot hire upon all the grain-floors; the threshing-floor and the wine-press shall not feed them, and the new wine shall cheat her (Hos. 9:1, 2);

where "committing whoredom and loving harlot hire" denotes falsifying truths and loving what is falsified; "grain-floors" denote the truths of good falsified. [4] As a "threshing-floor" signified good and also truth, therefore at the time when they gathered from the floor, they celebrated the feast of tabernacles, of which in Moses:

Thou shalt make to thee the feast of tabernacles seven days, when thou hast gathered in from thy threshing-floor, and from thy wine-press (Deut. 16:13);

the "feast of tabernacles" signified holy worship, thus worship from good and truth (n. 3312, 4391).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6537

6537. 'And they came to the threshing-floor of Atad' means the initial state. This is clear from the meaning of 'the threshing-floor' as the place where the good of truth exists, for what lies on a threshing-floor is grain, and by 'grain' is meant good which is derived from truth, 5295, 5410, and also the truth of good, 5959; and from the meaning of 'Atad' as the essential nature of that state, just like place-names in other parts of the Word. The reason why 'the threshing-floor of Atad' means that state - the state leading to goodness and truth existing within the Church - is that it was at the crossing of the Jordan, and by that crossing is meant introduction into cognitions of good and truth, dealt with in the next paragraph. For the Jordan served as the frontier leading into the land of Canaan; and since 'the land of Canaan' means the Church, 'the Jordan' accordingly means the initial things of the Church, that is, those through which lies entrance into the Church.

[2] Thus it is that 'the threshing-floor of Atad' means the initial state. And because the initial state was meant, the mourning took place next to a threshing-floor; for this was situated on the nearer side of the Jordan, from which position one had a view of the land of Canaan, which means the Church. The fact that 'a threshing-floor' means a place where the good of truth and the truth of good exist, thus where things of the Church exist, is clear in Joel,

Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in Jehovah your God. The threshing-floors are full of grain, and the presses overflow with new wine and oil. Joel 2:23, 24.

'The children of Zion' stands for truths deriving from good, 'threshing-floors full of grain' for the fact that there is an abundance of truth and good.

[3] In Hosea,

Do not rejoice, O Israel, for you have committed whoredom under your God; you have taken delight in a harlot's reward on every threshing-floor. Threshing-poor and wine-press will not feed them, and new wine will be deceptive to her. Hosea 9:1,2.

'Committing whoredom' and 'taking delight in a harlot's reward' stands for falsifying truths and loving falsified truths; 'threshing-floors' stands for truths of good that have been falsified.

[4] Since 'a threshing-floor' meant good and also truth, they used to celebrate the feast of tabernacles at the time when they gathered in from the threshing-floor. Regarding that feast it says in Moses,

You shall celebrate the feast of tabernacles seven days, when you gather in from your threshing-floor, and from your wine-press. Deut 16:13.

The feast of tabernacles meant holy worship, thus worship springing from what was good and true, 3312, 4391.

Latin(1748-1756) 6537

6537. `Et venerunt ad aream Atad': quod significet statum primum, constat a significatione `areae' quod sit ubi bonum veri, nam in area est frumentum, et per `frumentum' significatur bonum quod ex vero, n. 5295, 5410, et quoque boni verum, n. 5959; et ex significatione `Atad' quod sit quale illius status, {1}sicut per nomina locorum alibi; quod per `aream Atad' significetur status, nempe ad bonum et verum Ecclesiae, est quia erat in transitu Jordanis, et per illum significatur initiatio in cognitiones boni et veri, de quo mox sequitur; erat enim Jordanes primus terminus ad terram Canaanem, et quia per `terram Canaanem' significatur Ecclesia, ita per `Jordanem' illa quae Ecclesiae prima sunt, seu per quae ad Ecclesiam {2}patet introitus; [2] inde est quod per `aream Atad' significetur primus status; et quia significabatur primus status, fiebat luctus juxta aream, {3}quoniam erat cis Jordanem, et ibi in conspectu erat terra Canaan, per quam significatur Ecclesia. Quod `area' significet ubi bonum veri et verum boni, ita ubi illa quae sunt Ecclesiae, {4}constat apud Joelem, Filii Zionis gaudete, et laetamini in Jehova Deo vestro:... plenae sunt areae frumento, et exundant torcularia mustum et oleum, ii 23, 24;

`filii Zionis' pro veris ex bono; `plenae areae frumento' pro quod abundent vera et bona: [3] apud Hosheam, Ne laeteris Israel,... quia scortatus es a sub Deo tuo, dilexisti mercedem meretriciam super omnibus areis frumenti; area et torcular non pascet eos, et mustum mentietur illi, ix 1, 2;

`scortari et diligere mercedem meretriciam' pro falsificare vera, et 4 falsificata amare; `{5} areae frumenti' pro veris boni {6}falsificatis. Quia `area' significabat bonum et quoque verum, ideo tunc cum colligerent ex area, celebrabant festum tabernaculorum, de quo apud Mosen, Festum tabernaculorum facies tibi septem dies cum collegeris de area tua, et de torculari tuo, Deut. xvi 13;

`festum tabernaculorum' significabat sanctum cultum, ita cultum ex bono et vero, n. 3312, (x)4391. @1 et quia illa significantur per aream Atad, significatur primus status Ecclesiae, nempe initiationis in cognitiones boni et veri, quae initiatio per transitum Jordanis significatur$ @2 sunt pro introitu, exinde$ @3 quia per illum significabatur primus status ad illa quae Ecclesiae sunt et per terram Canaanem quae videbatur ab altera parte significabatur Ecclesia$ @4 patet$ @5 i omnes$ @6 quae falsificata sunt$

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