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属天的奥秘 第6539节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6539

6539. And they wailed there a very great and grievous wailing. That this signifies grief, is evident from the signification of a "wailing," as being grief. The grief here signified is the grief of initiation (see n. 6537); for before the knowledges of good and truth, which are the initiaments, can be planted in good, and thus become the good of the church, there is grief; because another state must be induced on the natural, and the memory-knowledges there must be set in a different order; thus those which the man had previously loved must be destroyed; and therefore he must undergo temptations. Hence comes the grief which is represented by the grievous wailing which they wailed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6539

6539. 'And wailed there with great and extremely loud wailing means grief. This is clear from the meaning of 'wailing' as grief. The grief that is meant here is a grief that goes with the introduction referred to just above in 6537; for before the cognitions of good and truth which come at the initial stage can be implanted in good and so become part of the Church's good, grief exists; for a different state must be brought about in the natural, and the known facts must be rearranged into a different order there. Thus what a person has loved formerly must be destroyed, which means that he will also have to undergo temptations. This is what gives rise to the grief that is represented by 'the loud wailing with which they wailed'.

Latin(1748-1756) 6539

6539. `Et planxerunt ibi planctum magnum et gravem valde':quod significet dolorem, constat ex significatione `planctus' quod sit dolor; dolor qui hic significatur est dolor initiationis, de qua mox supra n. 6537, nam antequam cognitiones boni et veri quae sunt initiamenta, implantari possunt in bonum, et sic fieri in bonum Ecclesiae, dolor est, alius enim status inducendus est naturali, et aliter {1}ibi ordinanda sunt scientifica; ita quae homo prius amaverat, destruenda, idcirco etiam tentationes subibit; inde dolor {2} qui repraesentatur per `planctum gravem quem planxerunt'. @1 after scientifica$ @2 i est$

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