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属天的奥秘 第6567节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6567

6567. And his brethren also went and fell down before him. That this signifies submission of the things that are in the natural under the internal, is evident from the representation of the sons of Israel, who here are the "brethren," as being spiritual truths in the natural (see n. 5414, 5879, 5951); from the signification of "falling down before him," as being submission; and from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal (n. 6499). From this it is plain that by his "brethren went and fell down before him" is signified the submission of the things that are in the natural under the internal. In this chapter is described the setting up again of a spiritual church, and in this passage the submission of the things in the natural under the internal; of which submission be it known that the spiritual church cannot possibly be instituted with anyone, unless the things that belong to the natural or external man have been made submissive to the spiritual or internal man. So long as the mere truth which is of faith predominates with a man, and not the good which is of charity, so long the natural or external man has not been made submissive to the spiritual or internal man. But as soon as good has the dominion, the natural or external man submits himself, and then the man becomes a spiritual church. That such is the case is known from the fact that the man does from affection what the truth teaches, and that he does not act contrary to this affection, however the natural desires it. The very affection and consequent reason have the dominion, and subdue in the natural the delights of the love of self and of the world, as also the fallacies which had filled the memory-knowledges there; and at last so completely that this subjugation comes to be among the man's pleasures; and then the natural is at rest, and afterward is in agreement; and when it is in agreement, it then partakes of the pleasantness of the internal. From all this it may be known what is meant by the submission of the things in the natural under the internal, which is signified by "his brethren went and fell down before him, and said, Behold we are thy servants."

Elliott(1983-1999) 6567

6567. 'And his brothers also went and fell down before him' means the submission of the things in the natural [to the internal]. This is clear from the representation of the sons of Israel, to whom 'brothers' refers here, as spiritual truths in the natural, dealt with in 5414, 5879, 5951; from the meaning of 'fell down before him' as submission; and from the representation of Joseph as the internal, dealt with in 6499. From this it is evident that 'his brothers went and fell down before him' means the submission of the things in the natural to the internal. The subject in this chapter is the establishing of a spiritual Church, and at this point the submission of the things that are in the natural to the internal. In considering this submission it should be recognized that a spiritual Church cannot possibly be established with anyone unless the things that belong to the natural or external man have been made submissive to the spiritual or internal man. As long as solely the truth of faith holds sway with a person, and not the good of charity, the natural or external man has not been made submissive to the spiritual or internal man; but as soon as good reigns, the natural or external man submits, and then that person becomes a spiritual Church.

[2] One recognizes the truth of this from the fact that such a person does from affection what truth teaches, and does not act contrary to that affection, no matter how much the natural desires it. That affection and the power of reason arising from it is what reigns in him, bringing under its control in the natural the delights of self-love and love of the world as well as the false notions that have permeated the factual knowledge there. At length that control is so complete that it becomes a matter of pleasure to the person. The natural now grows quiet, and after that comes into agreement with the internal; and when it is in agreement it shares the internal's feeling of pleasure. From all this one may see how to understand the submission of the things in the natural to the internal, meant by 'his brothers went and fell down before him, and said, Behold, we are your slaves'.

Latin(1748-1756) 6567

6567. `Et iverunt etiam fratres ejus, et ceciderunt coram eo quod significet submissionem illorum quae in naturali, constat ex repraesentatione `filiorum Israelis' qui hic `fratres', quod sint vera spiritualia in naturali, de qua n. 5414, 5879, 5951; ex significatione `ceciderunt coram eo' quod sit submissio; et ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit internum, de qua n. 6499; inde patet quod per `iverunt fratres ejus et ceciderunt coram eo' significetur submissio illorum quae in naturali sub interno. Agitur in hoc capite de instauratione Ecclesiae spiritualis, et hic nunc de submissione illorum quae ii, naturali sub interno, de qua submissione sciendum quod Ecclesia spiritualis nullatenus apud aliquem possit institui, nisi illa quae sunt naturalis seu externi hominis submissa fuerint spirituali seu interno homini; quamdiu solum verum quod fidei praedominatur apud hominem, et non bonum quod est charitatis, tamdiu naturalis seu externus homo non submissus est spirituali seu interno; ast ut primum bonum dominatur, submittit se naturalis seu externus homo, et tunc fit homo ille Ecclesia spiritualis. [2] Quod ita sit, cognoscitur ex eo quod ex affectione faciat quod verum docet, et quod non contra affectionem illam, utcumque naturale cupit; ipsa affectio et inde ratio dominatur, et subjugat in naturali jucunda amoris sui et mundi, ut et fallacias quae impleverunt scientifica ibi; et tandem ita ut inter amoena ejus sit subjugatio illa, et tunc naturale quiescit, et dein concordat, et cum concordat tunc participat de amoeno interni. Ex his sciri potest quid intelligitur per submissionem illorum quae in naturali sub interno, quae significantur per `iverunt fratres ejus, et ceciderunt coram eo, et dixerunt, Ecce nos tibi ad servos'.

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