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属天的奥秘 第6607节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6607

6607. It has been shown that when thoughts together with affections diffuse themselves, they circulate almost according to the form of the convolutions of the gray substance in the human brain. I have seen these circumfluxions for a long while: they circled round, bent inward, and wound in and out, as do the convolutions of the gray substance of the brains. But the forms of heaven are still more wonderful, and such as can by no means be comprehended, not even by angels; in such a form are the angelic societies in the heavens, and into such a form the thoughts of the angels flow, and almost in an instant to a great distance, because according to the infinitely perfect form.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6607

6607. I have been shown that when thoughts accompanied by affections distribute themselves they circulate in a pattern very much like that assumed by the enfoldings of the grey matter in the human brain. For a long time I watched the ways in which they were flowing round. They were winding round, bending, weaving in, and coming out, as the grey matter referred to above does. But the patterns produced by heaven are even more wonderful, transcending the grasp even of the angels. A pattern like this is assumed by the angelic communities in the heavens, and it is into such a pattern that angels' thoughts flow. And they flow great distances almost instantaneously, because they follow a pattern that is infinitely perfect.

Latin(1748-1756) 6607

6607. Ostensum est quod cogitationes cum affectionibus cum se (x)effundunt, circulent paene (x)secundum formam circumvolutionum substantiae cineritiae in cerebro humano; visae mihi sunt diu circumfluxiones; erant circuitiones, inflexiones, insinuationes, et emersiones, quales sunt dictae substantiae in cerebris: {1} sed formae caeli {2}sunt adhuc mirabiliores, et tales ut nusquam comprehendi queant ne quidem ab angelis; in tali forma sunt societates angelicae in {3}caelis, et in talem formam cogitationes angelorum {4}fluunt; et paene in instanti ad multam distantiam, quia secundum formam infinite perfectam. @1 i talis quoque est forma circumfluxionis cogitationum cum affectionibus in mundo spiritum$ @2 after mirabiliores$ @3 caelo$ @4 circumundunt ample$

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