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属天的奥秘 第6631节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6631

6631. And when man became external, he also became worldly and corporeal; and when he is of this character he no longer cares for the things of heaven; for they have been so far removed as not to be believed to exist; because the delights of earthly loves, and with these all evils which from these loves are delightful to him, then take complete possession of the whole man; and then all that he hears about the life after death, about heaven, and about hell, is like chaff in the wind, which flies away as fast as it is seen.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6631

6631. And since mankind has come to live on an external level it has also come to live on worldly and bodily levels; and having become like this it no longer cares at all about the things of heaven. Such things have become so remote that people do not believe that they exist; for at the present time people are completely taken up with the delights that belong to earthly types of love, along with all the evils that delight a person because they spring from those types of love. When anyone is like this, then whatever he hears about life after death, heaven, or hell is like a straw in the wind that flies away the moment one sees it.

Latin(1748-1756) 6631

6631. Et cum homo factus est externus, etiam factus est mundanus et corporeus; et cum talis, nihil amplius curat quae caeli sunt; sunt enim ea {1}tantum remota ut non credantur quod sint, {2}nam tunc occupant totum jucunda amorum terrestrium, et cum illis omnia mala qua ei ex amoribus illis jucunda sunt; et tunc quod {3}audit de vita post mortem, de caelo, et de inferno, est sicut palea in {4}vento quae a primum visum evolat {5}. @1 i tunc$ @2 occupant enim totum tunc$ @3 audiunt$ @4 aere$ @5 i; et si cogitant de illis ex se, negant et pro nihilo habent$

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