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属天的奥秘 第6666节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6666

6666. And the Egyptians made the sons of Israel to serve. That this signifies an intention to subjugate, is evident from the signification of "making to serve," as being subjugation, here the intention to subjugate, because they are in the continual endeavor to subjugate, but in no wise prevail against the good; from the signification of the "Egyptians," as being separated memory-knowledges which are opposed to the truths of the church (see n. 6651); and from the signification of the "sons of Israel," as being the church (n. 6637). Hence it is evident that by "the Egyptians made the sons of Israel to serve" is signified the intention to subjugate by those who are in separated memory-knowledges which are opposed to the truths of the church. [2] As regards the intention to subjugate, such as exists with the evil who are from hell, I have also been given to know this. Such is their endeavor and intention to subjugate those who are in good and truth that it cannot be described; for they make use of all malice, all cunning and fraud, all deceit, and all cruelty, so great and of such a nature that if these were told in part only, hardly anyone in the world could believe it; so cunning and artful are their devices, and so execrable. In a word, these infernals are of such a nature that they cannot possibly be resisted by any man, nor even by any angel, but by the Lord alone. The reason why they are possessed with such an endeavor and intention is that all their delight of life, thus their life itself, consists in doing evil; and therefore nothing else occupies their thoughts, consequently they intend nothing else. They are quite unable to do what is good, because this is repugnant to them: if they do what is good, it is for the sake of self, thus is done to self. [3] From such spirits the hells are at this day immensely increased, and wonderful to say, especially from those who are within the church, on account of the cunning, deceit, hatred, revenge, and adultery, which flourish there more than elsewhere; for within the church cunning is now esteemed ingenious, and adultery honorable, and they who deem otherwise are laughed at. Its being so within the church at this day is a sign that its last time is at hand, for "Except there be an end, no flesh would be saved," according to the Lord's words in Matt. 24:22; because all evil is contagious, and infects, as lees do the lump, thus at last all.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6666

6666. 'And the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve' means the aim to bring them under their control. This is clear from the meaning of 'making them serve' as bringing under their control, here the aim to do so because although they endeavour constantly to bring others under their control they never get the upper hand over those who are good; from the meaning of 'the Egyptians' as separated factual knowledge that is opposed to the Church's truths, dealt with in 6651; and from the meaning of 'the children of Israel' as the Church, dealt with in 6637. From these meanings it is evident that 'the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve' means the aim held by those who favour separated factual knowledge opposed to the Church's truths, to bring them [the Church] under their control.

[2] As regards the aim to bring others under one's own control, I have also been allowed to know what that aim is like among the evil belonging to hell. The nature of their endeavour and aim to bring under their control those who accept what is good and true defies description. For they employ every kind of malice, every kind of guile and deceit, every kind of trickery, and every kind of cruelty, the extent and nature of which are such that if merely a part were mentioned scarcely anyone in the world could believe it, so full of guile and artfulness are the methods they use, and so unspeakable too. In short those methods are such that no one at all, not even any angel, only the Lord, can stand up to them. The reason why such an endeavour and aim is present in them is that the whole delight of their life, thus their very life, consists in the doing of evil, on account of which nothing else occupies their minds, and consequently nothing else is intended by them. They cannot do anything good at all because it repels them; or if they do do anything good, it is for selfish reasons, thus only for themselves.

[3] Hells made up of people like this are growing immensely larger at the present day; and what is astounding, such people come mainly from among those within the Church on account of all the guile, trickery, hatred, revenge, and adultery that flourish there more than anywhere else. For in the Church of today guile is reckoned to be cleverness, and adultery to be honourable behaviour; and those who think anything different are laughed at. Since this is the situation at the present day within the Church, it is a sign that its last days are at hand, for according to the Lord's words recorded in Matthew 24:22, unless it came to an end 'no flesh would be saved'. Indeed all evil is infectious and like rottenness contaminates the whole, thus everyone in the end.

Latin(1748-1756) 6666

6666. `Et servire fecerunt Aegyptii filios Israelis': quod significet subjugationis intentionem, constat ex significatione `servire facere' quod sit subjugatio, hic subjugationis intentio quia in continuo conatu subjugandi sunt, sed nusquam contra bonos praevalent; ex significatione `Aegyptiorum' quod sint scientifica separata quae contra vera Ecclesiae, de qua n. 6651; et a significatione `filiorum Israelis' quod sint Ecclesia, de qua n. 6637; exinde patet quod per `servire fecerunt Aegyptii filios Israelis' significetur subjugationis intentio ab illis qui sunt in scientificis separatis quae contra vera Ecclesiae. 2 Quod subjugationis intentionem attinet, qualis sit apud malos qui ab inferno, etiam {1} scire datum est; talis est illis conatus et intentio {2} subjugandi (c)eos qui in bono et vero sunt, ut non describi queat; utuntur enim omni malitia, omni astu et fraude, omni dolo, (c)et omni crudelitate, quae tanta et talia sunt ut si modo quoad aliquam partem memorarentur, vix: aliquis in mundo potuisset credere, tam astuosa et artificiosa sunt, et quoque tam nefanda; verbo talia sunt ut {3}nequaquam ab ullo homine, ne quidem ab ullo angelo, resisti queant, sed a solo Domino; causa quod talis illis conatus et intentio sit, est quia omne jucundum vitae, ita ipsa vita eorum, in male faciendo consistit; quapropter nihil aliud cogitationes eorum occupat, consequenter nihil aliud {4}intendunt; bonum facere prorsus non possunt quia repugnat; si bonum faciunt, est propter se, ita sibi. 3 Ex talibus (s)inferna (t)hodie augentur immensum, et quod mirum, imprimis ab illis qui intra Ecclesiam sunt, ob astus, dolos, odia, vindictas, {5} adulteria, quae ibi vigent plus quam alibi, nam ibi nunc astus pro ingenioso, et adulteria pro honesto habentur, ac {6}ridentur qui aliter sentiunt; quia ita hodie est intra Ecclesiam, indicium e quod ultimum ejus tempus instet, nam `nisi finis, nulla caro salvaretur,' secundum Domini verba apud Matthaeum xxiv 22; quippe omne malum contagiosum est, (c)ac infectat sicut faex massam, ita tandem omnes.(s) @1 i ab experientia$ @2 i infernorum$ @3 ne hilum$ @4 intendere possunt$ @5 i et$ @6 d ridentur i irridentur$

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