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属天的奥秘 第6682节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6682

6682. And said unto them, Wherefore do ye this word, and keep the boys alive? That this signifies anger because truths were not destroyed, is evident from the signification of "Wherefore do ye this word?" as being words of chiding, thus of anger; from the signification of "keeping alive," as being not to destroy (see n. 6677, 6680); and from the signification of "boys," as being truths which are of good (n. 6680).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6682

6682. 'And he said to them, Why do you act like that and keep the boys alive?' means anger that the truths were not destroyed. This is clear from the meaning of why do you act like that?' as words of reproach, and so of anger; from the meaning of 'keeping alive' as not destroying, as above in 6677, 6680; and from the meaning of 'the boys' as truths that are the truths of good, dealt with in 6680.

Latin(1748-1756) 6682

6682. `Et dixit illis, Quapropter facitis verbum istud, et vivificatis pueros': quod significet iracundiam quod vera non destruerentur, constat ex significatione `quapropter facitis verbum {1}istud' quod sint verba increpationis, ita iracundiae; et ex significatione `vivificare' quod sit non destruere, ut supra n. 6677, 6680; et ex significatione `puerorum' quod sint vera quae boni, de qua {2} n. 6680. @1 hoc$ @2 i supra$

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