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属天的奥秘 第6681节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6681

6681. And the king of Egypt called the midwives. That this signifies that they who were in falsities conspired against those who were in true memory-knowledges in the natural, is evident from the signification of "calling," as here being to conspire, for the reason of the call was to destroy truths, but the plot was made futile because the truths were guarded by the Divine, which is signified by the "midwives fearing God" (n. 6678), (moreover, the evil in the other life, who infest the good, really conspire together, as I have been given to know from experience); from the signification of "the king of Egypt," as being those who are in falsities (of which just above, n. 6679); and from the signification of "midwives," as being the natural wherein are true memory-knowledges (n. 4588, 6673, 6675, 6678). Hence it is evident that by "the king of Egypt called the midwives" is signified that they who were in falsities conspired against those who were in true memory-knowledges in the natural.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6681

6681. 'And the king of Egypt called the midwives' means that those under the influence of falsities planned a course of action against those who had true factual knowledge in the natural. This is clear from the meaning of 'calling' here as planning a course of action, for the purpose of the calling was the destruction of truths, but the planned course of action was made to fail because the truths were kept safe by the Divine, meant by 'the midwives feared God', 6678 (the evil in the next life who molest the good likewise plot with one another, as I have been allowed to know from experience); from the meaning of 'the king of Egypt' as those under the influence of falsities, dealt with just above in 6679; and from the meaning of 'the midwives as the natural where true factual knowledge resides, dealt with in 4588, 6673, 6675, 6678. From all this it is evident that 'the king of Egypt called the midwives' means that those under the influence of falsities planned a course of action against those who had true factual knowledge in the natural.

Latin(1748-1756) 6681

6681. `Et vocavit rex Aegypti obstetrices': quod significet quod consilium inirent illi qui in falsis contra illos qui in veris scientificis in naturali, constat ex significatione `vocare' quod hic sit consilium inire, nam causa vocationis erat destruere vera, sed consilium irritum factum est quia vera a Divino custodiebantur, quod significatur per quod obstetrices timerent Deum, n. 6678; {1}re ipsa etiam mali in altera vita qui infestant bonos, consilium inter se ineunt, quod etiam ab experientia scire datum est; ex significatione `regis Aegypti' quod sint qui in falsis, de qua mox supra n. 6679; et ex significatione `obstetricum' quod sint naturale ubi vera scientifica, de qua n. (x)4588, 6673, 6675, 6678; inde patet quod per `vocavit rex Aegypti obstetrices' significetur quod consilium inirent illi qui in falsis contra illos qui in veris scientificis in naturali. @1 seipsa I$

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