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属天的奥秘 第6697节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6697

6697. I have sometimes spoken about this with spirits, and it was said that a man of good understanding can know from many things that there are many earths with inhabitants upon them; for he can conclude from reason that masses of such size as the earths, some of which surpass this earth in magnitude, are not empty masses, created only to course about the sun, and give light to one earth; but that their use must be of greater eminence than this. He who believes, as everyone ought to believe, that the Divine created the universe for no other end than that the human race may arise, and a heaven therefrom (for the human race is the nursery of heaven), cannot but believe that there are men wherever there is any earth. That the earths which are visible to our eyes, being within the boundaries of this solar system, are earths may be clearly known from the fact that they are bodies of earthy material, because they reflect the sun's light; also that they, like our earth, revolve around the sun, and thereby make years and seasons of the year-spring, summer, autumn, and winter-with variation according to climate; and likewise that they revolve upon their own axes like our earth, and thereby make days and times of the day-morning, noon, evening, and night; and moreover that some of them have moons, which are called satellites and revolve about their respective earths in stated times, as the moon does about our earth; and that the earth Saturn, because very far from the sun, has also a great lunar belt, which gives much light to that earth, though reflected. How can anyone who knows these facts and thinks from reason, say that these are empty bodies!

Elliott(1983-1999) 6697

6697. I have talked to spirits several times on this subject, when it was stated that anyone gifted with understanding may know from many considerations that a large number of planets exist and with people on them. For on rational grounds one may conclude that such large masses as the known planets, some of which are larger than Earth, are not empty masses, created merely to drift around the sun and shine for the benefit of one terrestrial world, but that they must have a function more note-worthy than any such as that. The person who believes, as everyone ought to believe, that the Divine created the universe with no other end in view than that the human race may come into being, and consequently heaven since the inhabitants of heaven come from among the human race, inevitably believes that there are people wherever any planet exists. The fact that the planets visible to our eyes because they are within the bounds of our solar system are other terrestrial worlds may be plainly recognized from the consideration that they are bodies consisting of earth-like material, since they reflect the light of the sun. Also those planets, just like ours, are propelled around the sun, producing - as they go - years and seasons of the year, which are spring, summer, autumn, and winter, together with variations created by climatic differences. Each, just like our world, also rotates on its axis, producing - as it spins round - days and times of day, which are morning, midday, evening, and night. In addition some of them have moons, which are called satellites and make regular circuits around their own globes, just as the moon does around ours. And because the planet Saturn is a very long way from the sun it also has a large lunar belt which provides that world with much light, even though it is reflected light. How can anyone who knows these things and thinks rationally ever speak of the planets as vacant masses?

Latin(1748-1756) 6697

6697. Locutus sum cum spiritibus aliquoties de ea re, et dictum quod homo qui intellectu pollet scire possit ex multis quod plures tellures sint et ibi incolae, nam ex rationali concludi potest quod tantae moles quales sunt planetae, quarum aliquae magnitudine superant hanc tellurem, non sint moles vacuae, et creatae {1}ut modo spatientur circum solem, et luceant pro una tellure, sed quod illatum usus insignior quam talis, oporteat esse. Qui credit, sicut quisque credere debet, quod Divinum non creaverit universum propter alium finem quam ut humanum genus existat et inde caelum, nam genus humanum est seminarium caeli, is non potest non credere quam quod homines sint ubicumque aliqua tellus. Quod planetae qui coram oculis nostris visibiles sunt, quia intra terminos mundi hujus solis {2}, tellures sint, manifeste sciri potest ex eo quod corpora terrestris materiae sint, quia lumen solis reflectunt; tum quod illae, similiter ac nostra tellus, circum solem ferantur, et inde faciant annos et anni tempora, nempe ver, aestatem, autumnum, et hiemem, cum variatione secundum climata; {3}ut et quod circum axem suum, similiter ac nostra tellus, rotentur, et inde faciant dies, et horum tempora, nempe mane, meridiem, vesperam, et noctem; et insuper quod aliqui eorum habeant lunas, quae vocantur satellites, et circum orbem suum statis temporibus vagantur sicut luna circum nostrum; et quod planeta Saturnus, quia longissime a sole distat, habeat quoque cingulum magnum lunare, quod (t)multam lucem, tametsi reflexam, telluri illi dat. Quis unquam qui haec novit et ex ratione cogitat dicere potest quod haec inania corpora sint? @1 solum ut$ @2 i sunt$ @3 tum$

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