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属天的奥秘 第6698节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6698

6698. Moreover, I have said with spirits that men can believe that there are more earths in the universe than one from the fact that the visible universe, resplendent with countless stars, is so immense, and yet is only a means to the ultimate end of creation, which is a heavenly kingdom, in which the Divine can dwell. For the visible universe is a means for the existence of earths, and of men upon them, from whom is the heavenly kingdom. Who can ever think that so vast a means exists for so small and limited an end as there would be if only one earth were inhabited, and from it alone existed heaven! What would this be for the Divine, which is infinite, and to which a thousand, nay, myriads of earths, and all of them full of inhabitants, would be little, and scarcely anything! Moreover, the angelic heaven is so immense that it corresponds to every single thing in man, and tens of thousands of its inhabitants to each member, organ, and viscus; and it has been granted to know that heaven, in respect to all its correspondences, can in no wise exist except from the inhabitants of a host of earths.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6698

6698. I have in addition talked to spirits about how a person may come to believe that the universe contains more than one terrestrial world from the fact that the visible universe is lit by such a countless number of stars and is so vast, and yet is solely a means serving the ultimate end of creation, that end in view being the heavenly kingdom in which the Divine can dwell. For the visible universe exists as the means for planets to come into being and have people on them from whom the heavenly kingdom may be formed. How can anyone ever think that so vast a means has been created for an end so small and limited as it would be if only one planet were inhabited and heaven were formed from this alone? What use would this be to the Divine, who is Infinite, to whom thousands, indeed tens of thousands of planets, and all of them full of inhabitants, would be little and scarcely anything? Furthermore the angelic heaven is so vast that it has correspondence with every detail in the human being; tens of thousands correspond to any one of the members, organs, or viscera. I have also been allowed to know that heaven cannot possibly exist complete with all its correspondences unless it draws on inhabitants from a large number of planets.

Latin(1748-1756) 6698

6698. Insuper cum spiritibus locutus sum, quod ab homine credi queat quod plures tellures in universo sint quam una, ex eo quod universum aspectabile tot innumerabilibus astris illustre, tam immensum sit, et tamen id solum est medium ad finem qui ultimus creationis, qui finis est regnum caeleste, in quo Divinum habitare potest; universum enim aspectabile est medium ut existant tellures et super illis homines ex quibus regnum caeleste; quis unquam cogitare potest quod tam immensum medium factum sit pro tam parvo et limitato fine qui foret si {1} incoleretur una tellus, et ex illa sola caelum existeret? Quid hoc foret pro Divino quod Infinitum, cui parum et vix aliquid essent milia, immo myriades tellurum, et omnes plenae incolis? Praeterea caelum angelicum tam immensum est ut correspondeat singulis apud hominem, et {2}myriades cuivis {3} membro, organo, et visceri; et scire datum est quod caelum, quoad omnes suas correspondentias, nequaquam existere possit nisi ex incolis perplurium tellurum. @1 i modo$ @2 After visceri$ @3 i ejus$

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