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属天的奥秘 第673节


“飞鸟”表示理解力的事物;“牲畜”表示意愿的事物;“地上的爬行物”表示这两者各自的最低级之物;“每样一对,要到你那里,好保全生命” 和前面一样,表示这些事物的重生。

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New Century Edition

[NCE]673. Genesis 6:20. "Of the bird by its kind, and of the beast by its kind, of everything creeping on the ground by its kind — pairs of all must go in to you, to stay alive."
A bird symbolizes matters of intellect, a beast matters of will, and something creeping on the ground both at the lowest level. Two of each must go in, to stay alive, here as above symbolizes the regeneration of these entities.

Potts(1905-1910) 673

673. Verse 20. Of the fowl after its kind, and of the beast after its kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, pairs of all shall enter unto thee, to keep them alive. The "fowl" signifies things intellectual; the "beast" things of the will; the "creeping thing of the ground" signifies both, but what is lowest of them; "pairs of all shall come unto thee, to keep them alive" signifies, as before, their regeneration.

Elliott(1983-1999) 673

673. Verse 20 Of birds according to their kinds, and of beasts according to their kinds, and of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind. Pairs of all shall come in to you to keep them alive.

'Birds' means intellectual concepts, 'beasts' desires of the will, and 'creeping thing of the ground' the lowest of each of these. 'two each of all shall enter in to keep them alive' means, as previously, the regeneration of those things.

Latin(1748-1756) 673

673. Vers. 20. Ab ave secundum speciem ejus, et a bestia secundum speciem ejus, ab omni reptili humi secundum speciem ejus; paria ob omnibus intrabunt ad te, ad vivificandum. 'Avis' significat intellectualia; 'bestia' voluntaria; 'reptile homini' utrumque sed infimum: 'bina ab omnibus intrabunt ad vivificandum' significant, ut prius, regenerationem eorum.

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