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属天的奥秘 第674节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]674. The symbolism of a bird as matters of intellect or of reason was shown earlier, at 40. So was the symbolism of a beast or animal as matters of will, or emotions, at 45, 46, 142, 143, 246. The symbolism of something creeping on the ground as both at the lowest level can be seen from the fact that anything creeping on the ground is as low as possible. The symbolism of pairs of all must go in, to stay alive, as the regeneration of these entities was explained at the last verse.

Potts(1905-1910) 674

674. That the "fowl" signifies things intellectual or rational has been shown before (n. 40), and that the "beast" signifies things of the will, or affections (n. 45, 46, 143, 144, 246). That the "creeping thing of the ground" signifies both, but what is lowest of them, may be plain to anyone from the fact that creeping on the ground is what is lowest. That "pairs of all shall enter unto thee, to keep them alive" signifies their regeneration, has been shown in the preceding verse.

Elliott(1983-1999) 674

674. It has been shown already in 40 that 'birds' means intellectual or rational concepts, and in 45, 46, 142, 143, 146, that 'beasts' means desires of the will, or affections. That 'creeping thing of the ground' means the lowest things of each of these may be evident to anyone from the consideration that what creeps along the ground is the lowest of all. That 'pairs of all shall enter in to keep them alive' means the regeneration of those things was stated in the previous verse.

Latin(1748-1756) 674

674. Quod 'avis' significet intellectualia seu rationalia prius ostensum est n. 40; tum quod 'bestia' significet voluntaria seu affectiones n. 45, 46, (x)142, 143, 246. Quod 'reptile humi' significet utrumque sed infimum, cuivis patere potest ex eo quod 'repens humi' sit infimum. Quod 'paria ab omnibus intrabunt ad vivificandum' significet regenerationem eorum, versu praecedente dictum.

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