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属天的奥秘 第6809节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6809

6809. They once came to me and searched the things in my memory. (Spirits can do this with the utmost skill; for when they come to a man, they see in his memory everything he knows.) When therefore the spirits of Mercury searched out various things, and among others the cities and places where I had been, I observed that they did not wish to know about the churches, palaces, houses, and streets; but only what I knew to have been done in these places, and also matters relating to the government there, and to the genius and manners of the inhabitants, with other things like these; for such things cling to the places that are in man's memory, and therefore when the places are excited, these other things also come up. I wondered at this character of the spirits of Mercury, and I therefore asked why they passed by the magnificent features of the places, and only searched out the facts and doings there? They said they have no delight in looking at material, bodily, and earthly things, but only at real ones. From this it at once appeared that the spirits of that earth relate in the Grand Man to the memory of real things when abstracted from things material and earthly.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6809

6809. On one occasion they came to me and investigated the contents of my memory. Spirits can do this with the greatest skill, for when they come to a person they see in his memory every item of what he knows. When therefore those spirits belonging to Mercury investigated its various contents, which included cities and other places where I had been, I noticed that they had no wish to know about churches, palaces, houses, or streets, only about the deeds I had heard of that had been performed in those places, also about anything that had to do with their form of government, or that had to do with the character and customs of the people there, and anything similar. For in a person's memory things like these are associated with places, and therefore when these places are called to mind those things present themselves as well. I was amazed that those spirits were of such a disposition and I therefore asked them why they ignored the magnificent sights in such places and investigated only the conduct of affairs and the deeds performed there. They said that they gained no delight out of looking at material, bodily, or earthly objects, only at things of real importance. This experience was what first made it evident to me that spirits belonging to that planet correlate in the Grand Man with the memory of things devoid of material and earthly associations.

Latin(1748-1756) 6809

6809. Quondam venerunt ad me, et inquisiverunt (c)illa quae in memoria mea essent, ({1}hoc spiritus sollertissime possunt facere, cum enim {2} ad hominem veniunt, {3}in memoria ejus vident {4} singula quae homo novit); cum itaque spiritus Mercurii inquisiverunt varia, et inter illa etiam urbes et loca ubi fueram, animadverti quod templa, palatia, domos, plateas, non vellent scire, sed modo illa quae audivi facta in locis illis, tum quae {5}essent regiminis ibi, quae geniorum et morum illis qui ibi, et similia; talia enim cum locis cohaerent in memoria apud hominem, quapropter cum loca excitantur, etiam subeunt illa. {6}Quod tales essent, miratus sum, quare interrogabam cur praeterirent magnifica locorum, et modo res et facta ibi inquirerent; dicebant quod illis nulla delectatio sit spectare materialia, corporea, et terrestria, sed solum realia; inde primum (x)patuit quod illius telluris spiritus in Maximo Homine referrent memoriam rerum abstractarum a materialibus et terrestribus. @1 quod$ @2 i spiritus$ @3 ex$ @4 i ibi$ @5 After ibi$ @6 Hoc miratus$

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