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属天的奥秘 第6810节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6810

6810. I have been told that their life in their own earth is of the same character, namely, that they care nothing for earthly and bodily things; but only for the statutes, laws, and governments of the nations there, and also for the things of heaven, which are innumerable. And I was further told that many of the men of that earth speak with spirits, and from this have knowledges of spiritual realities, and of the states of life after death, and from this also they have contempt for bodily and earthly things. For they who know with certainty and believe in a life after death, care for heavenly things, as being eternal and happy, and not for worldly things except insofar as the necessities of life require.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6810

6810. I was told that the people on the planet they belong to lead that kind of life. That is to say, they have no interest at all in earthly or bodily objects, only in the laws, religious and secular, of the nations there, and in their forms of government, as well as the things of heaven, which are countless. I was told in addition that quite a number of people on that planet talk to spirits and consequently acquire from them items of knowledge about spiritual realities and about states of life after death and also consequently acquire a disdain for bodily and earthly interests. For people who have a definite knowledge of and belief in life after death are interested in heavenly things because they are eternal and bring happiness, and not in worldly ones beyond the necessities of life required by them.

Latin(1748-1756) 6810

6810. Dictum est mihi quod talis eorum vita in tellure sua sit, quod nempe nihil curent terrestria et corporea, sed gentium ibi statuta, leges, regimina, tum quoque quae caeli sunt, quae innumerabilia; et porro dictum quod homines illius telluris plures loquantur cum spiritibus, et quod inde illis cognitiones rerum spiritualium, et statuum vitae post mortem, ac inde etiam contemptus corporeorum et terrestrium; qui enim pro certo {1}sciunt et credunt vitam post mortem, {2}caelestia illis curae sunt, quia aeterna et felicia, non autem mundana, modo quantum (m)necessitates vitae requirunt.(n) @1 scit et credit$ @2 coelestibus afficitur, nec curae ei mundana$

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