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属天的奥秘 第7116节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7116

7116. And the tale of the bricks which they made yesterday and the day before yesterday, ye shall lay upon them. That this signifies that things fictitious and false must be injected in abundance as in the former state, is clear from the signification of "the tale," as being abundance, here the same abundance; from the signification of "bricks," as being things fictitious and false (of which just above, n. 7113); from the signification of "yesterday and the day before yesterday," as being the former state (of which also just above, n. 7114); and from the signification of "laying upon them," as being to inject, because it is said of things fictitious and false. From all this it is evident that by "laying upon them the tale of the bricks which they made yesterday and the day before yesterday" is signified that things fictitious and false were to be injected in the same abundance as in the former state.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7116

7116. 'And the tally of bricks which they were making yesterday and the day before shall you impose on them' means that fabrications and falsities are to be introduced in the same abundance as in the previous state. This is clear from the meaning of 'the tally' as an abundance, here the same abundance; from the meaning of 'bricks' as fabrications and falsities, dealt with just above in 7113; from the meaning of 'yesterday and the day before' as a previous state, also dealt with just above, in 7114; and from the meaning of 'imposing on them' as introducing, since it has reference to fabrications and falsities. From all these meanings it is evident that 'the tally of bricks which they were making yesterday and the day before shall you impose on them' means that fabrications and falsities are to be introduced in the same abundance as in the previous state.

Latin(1748-1756) 7116

7116. `Et demensum laterum quod illi facientes heri nudius tertius, ponetis super illos': quod significet quod ficticia et falsa copia qua {1}in statu priore, injicienda, constat ex significatione `demensi' quod sit copia, hic copia eadem; ex significatione `laterum' quod sint ficticia et falsa, de qua mox supra n. 7113; ex significatione `heri nudius tertius' quod sit status prior, de qua etiam mox supra n. 7114; et ex significatione `ponere super illos' quod sit injicere, quia praedicatur de ficticiis et falsis; ex his patet quod per `demensum laterum quod illi facientes heri nudius tertius, ponetis super illos' significetur quod ficticia et falsa copia qua in statu priore, injicienda {2}. @1 A first had prius (as n. 7106), then altered to in statu priore$ @2 i; sed absque illis scientificis de quibus, n. 7112$

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