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属天的奥秘 第7131节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7131

7131. To gather stubble for straw. That this signifies to find some truth of memory-knowledge,* is evident from the signification of "stubble for straw," as being the truth of memory-knowledge, for "stubble" denotes such truth as is accommodated to the memory-knowledge that is signified by "straw." That "stubble" denotes such truth is because it is the stalk in the top of which is the seed, and by "seeds" in the word are signified truths and goods; thus by the stalk which is beneath them is signified the general vessel of truth, consequently the truth of memory-knowledge; for the memory-knowledges of faith and charity are indeed truths, but general truths, thus are the recipient vessels of particular and singular truths, as can also be seen by everyone. For example: it is a truth of memory-knowledge that charity toward the neighbor is the essential of the church; also that faith cannot be except where charity is; and likewise that truth and good can be conjoined, but not truth and evil, nor good and falsity; besides many similar truths, which are truths of memory-knowledge. That these can be enriched with innumerable things, can be seen from the fact that volumes can be written about them, and yet the singular truths, which are the interior things of faith, can never be described, for these can only be seen in the light of heaven, and do not fall into natural words. These truths are like charity, which is spiritual affection, and which for the most part cannot be expressed by words, except its most general things, namely, those which put on a natural dress, and which can be compared with such things as are in the world. These things have been said in order that it may be known what general memory-knowledges are. * Latin verum scientificum. This, as here defined, is such truth as is accommodated to, or is fitted into memory- knowledge, and which is "a general vessel of truth." Such is the verum scientificum, or truth of memory-knowledge.--Reviser.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7131

7131. 'To gather stubble for straw' means to find some true factual knowledge. This is clear from the meaning of 'stubble for straw' as true factual knowledge; for 'stubble' means the kind of truth that is suited to factual knowledge, meant by 'straw'. 'Stubble' means truth such as this because stubble is the stalk, the tip of which contains the seed; and truths and forms of good are meant in the Word by 'seeds'. Thus the stalk underneath the seeds means a general vessel containing truth, and so means true factual knowledge. For stems of factual knowledge about faith and charity are indeed truths; but they are general truths and so are vessels for receiving particular and specific truths, as anyone is also able to recognize. For example, the general truth that charity towards the neighbour is the essential element of the Church is a stem of true factual knowledge. Another stem is the general truth that faith cannot exist except where there is charity; and yet another is the general truth that truth and good can be joined together, but not truth and evil or good and falsity. And there are many more besides these which are examples of true factual knowledge. Such knowledge can be enriched endlessly with details of truth, as may be recognized from the consideration that volumes can be written about them, even though specific truths - the more internal truths of faith - are completely beyond description, since they can be seen only in the light of heaven and cannot find expression in earthly language. Those truths are like charity, which is a spiritual level of affection, in that for the most part words are incapable of expressing any but the most general aspects of it. That is to say, words can express only those aspects that take on a natural appearance and can be likened to things such as exist in the world. All this has been mentioned in order that people may know what is meant by general factual knowledge.

Latin(1748-1756) 7131

7131. `Ad colligendum stipulam ad paleam': quod significet ad inveniendum aliquod verum scientificum, constat ex significatione `stipulae ad paleam' quod sit verum scientificum; `stipula' enim est tale verum quod accommodatum est scientifico, quod per `paleam' significatur; {1} quod `stipula' sit tale verum, est quia est calamus in cujus apice est semen, et per `semina' in Verbo significantur vera et bona; ita per calamum qui sub {2}illis significatur vas commune veri, {3}sic verum scientificum; nam scientifica fidei et charitatis quidem sunt vera, sed communia, {4} sic vasa recipientia verorum {5}particularium et singularium; quod etiam constare potest {6}unicuique; ut pro exemplo: verum scientificum est quod charitas erga proximum sit essentiale Ecclesiae; tum quod fides non dari queat nisi ubi charitas; ut et quod verum et bonum conjungi queant, non autem verum et malum, nec bonum et falsum; praeter plura similia quae sunt vera scientifica; quae quod locupletari queant innumerabilibus, constare potest ex eo quod de illis volumina {7}possint conscribi; et usque vera singularia quae sunt interiora fidei, nusquam possunt describi, nam illa solum possunt videri in luce caeli, et non cadunt in voces naturales; se habent vera illa, {8} sicut charitas, quae est affectio spiritualis, quae quoad maximam partem vocibus exprimi non potest, modo communissima ejus, nempe quae naturalem habitum induunt et quae comparari possunt talibus quae in mundo; haec dicta sunt ut sciatur quid {9}scientifica communia. @1 i et$ @2 illa$ @3 ita$ @4 i et$ @5 spiritualium$ @6 unicuivis$ @7 queant$ @8 i quae in luce coeli,$ @9 verum scientificum commune$

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