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属天的奥秘 第7151节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7151

7151. And now go, serve ye. That this signifies the continuation of infestation, is evident from the signification of "serving," as being to be infested by falsities (see n. 7120, 7129); hence, "go, serve ye" denotes the continuation of the infestation; for they had complained of the service, but the answer was that it should be continued.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7151

7151. 'And now go, serve' means a continuation of the molestation. This is clear from the meaning of 'serving' as being molested by falsities, dealt with in 7120, 7129, and therefore 'go, serve' is a continuation of the molestation. For they complained about the service imposed on them, but the reply was that they were to continue serving.

Latin(1748-1756) 7151

7151. `Et nunc ite, servite': quod significet infestationis continuum, constat ex significatione `servire' quod sit infestari a falsis, de qua n. 7120, 7129; hinc `ite, servite' est infestationis continuum; de servitio enim conquesti sunt, sed ut continuarent {1}illud, responsum est. @1 suum servitium eis injunctum, dicitur$

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