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属天的奥秘 第7154节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7154

7154. Verses 19-21. And the officers of the sons of Israel saw that they were in evil when it was said, Ye shall not take anything away from your bricks on a day in its day. And they met Moses and Aaron standing to meet them as they went forth from Pharaoh; and they said unto them, Jehovah look upon you, and judge, because ye have made our odor to stink in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword into their hand to slay us. "And the officers of the sons of Israel saw that they were in evil," signifies that they saw themselves near damnation; "when it was said, Ye shall not take anything away from your bricks," signifies because nothing of the injection of falsities was diminished; "on a day in its day," signifies in every state whatever; "and they met Moses and Aaron," signifies thought about the law Divine and the doctrine thence derived; "standing to meet them as they went forth from Pharaoh," signifies manifestation at a time when falsities did not so much infest; "and they said unto them," signifies perception; "Jehovah look upon you, and judge," signifies the Divine disposal; "because ye have made our odor to stink in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants," signifies that by reason of these things all who are in falsities have so great an aversion to our compliance; "to put a sword into their hand to slay us," signifies that hence they have so great an ardor to destroy the truths of the church by means of falsities.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7154

7154. Verses 19-21 And the officers of the children of Israel saw themselves to be in evil,a by saying, You shall not reduce your bricks at all, your stint each day.b And they met Moses and Aaron, who were standing in their way, as they came out from Pharaoh. And they said to them, Let Jehovah see youc and judge, because you have caused our odour to stink in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us.

'And the officers of the children of Israel saw themselves to be in evil' means being close to damnation. 'By saying, You shall not reduce your bricks at all' means because the introduction of falsities was not in any way diminished. 'Your stint each day' means in every state. 'And they met Moses and Aaron' means thought regarding the law from God and the doctrinal teachings derived from it. 'Who were standing in their way, as they came out from Pharaoh' means a manifestation at a time when falsities did not molest quite so much. 'And they said to them' means perception. 'Let Jehovah see you and judge' means Divine disposal. 'Because you have caused our odour to stink in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his servants' means that because of themd all those who are steeped in falsities feel such a strong aversion to our spirit of obedience. 'To put a sword in their hand to kill us' means that consequently such a burning desire to destroy the Church's truths by means of falsities exists in them.


a i.e. they were in trouble
b lit. by a day in his day
c lit. see onto you (i.e. look upon)
d i.e. the law of God and doctrinal teachings derived from it

Latin(1748-1756) 7154

7154. Vers. 19-21. Et viderunt moderatores filiorum Israelis semet in malo, dicendo, Non detrahetis de lateribus vestris quicquam die in die ejus. Et occurrerunt Moschi et Aharoni stantibus obviam illis in exire illos a Pharaone. Et dixerunt ad illos, Videat Jehovah super vos, et judicet, quod putere fecistis odorem nostrum in oculis Pharaonis et in oculis servorum illius, ad dandum gladium in manum illorum ad occidendum nos. `Et viderunt moderatores filiorum Israelis semet in malo' significat quod prope damnationem: `dicendo, Non detrahetis de lateribus vestris quicquam' significat quia de injectione falsorum nihil diminutum: `die in die ejus' significat in quolibet statu: `et occurrerunt Moschi et Aharoni' significat cogitationem de lege Divina et inde doctrina: `stantibus obviam illis in exire illos a Pharaone' significat manifestationem tunc cum falsa non ita infestarent: `et dixerunt ad illos' significat perceptionem: `Videat Jehovah super vos, et judicet' significat Divinam dispositionem: `quod putere fecistis odorem nostrum in oculis Pharaonis et in oculis servorum ejus' significat quod propter illa tanta aversatio sit obsequii nostri omnibus illis qui in falsis sunt: `ad dandum gladium in manum illorum ad occidendum nos' significat quod inde tantus illis ardor per falsa destruendi vera Ecclesiae.

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